Nehemiah Persoff Někdo to rád horké For Whom the Bell Tolls The Treasure of San Bosco Reef Jentl Největší příběh všech dob Americký ocásek 2: Fievel na Divokém západě Americký ocásek Comancheros Americký ocásek 3: Poklad na Manhattanu Nepravý muž Dvojčata Americký ocásek 4: Záhadná příšera Tím hůř, když padnou Al Capone Jeden den muže mimo zákon Men in War Poslední pokušení Krista The Power Escape to Mindanao Green Mansions Psychic Killer Deadly Harvest Fate Is the Hunter The People Next Door The Girl Who Knew Too Much A Global Affair Street of Sinners The Wild Party The Dangerous Days Of Kiowa Jones The Sex Symbol The Henderson Monster Mrs. Pollifax — Spy The Big Show The Hook Never Steal Anything Small V přístavu Panic in the City The Death of Manolete This Angry Age In Search of Historic Jesus The Making of a President The Badlanders Killing Stone 4 Faces Boris Karloff: The Rest of the Story Too Many Thieves The Money Jungle F.D.R.: The Last Year John Jakes: Rebelové Red Sky at Morning Lapin 360 Francis Gary Powers: The True Story of the U-2 Spy Incident The Rag Jungle Voyage of the Damned The Stranger Within A Cry For Justice Daniel in the Lions' Den Dracula Den sovy O'Hara's Wife Ziegfeld: The Man and His Women A Double Life Tony Curtis - le gamin de Bronx Mayerling Eric Cutter's Trail Turnover Smith The Killers of Mussolini Michael O'Hara the Fourth St. Helens Lieutenant Schuster's Wife The Thief Marty Magnum Columbo Burke's Law Star Trek: Nová generace L.A. Law Little House on the Prairie The Facts of Life Mr. Lucky Hawaii Five-O Gilligan's Island Quincy, M.E. Route 66 Highway to Heaven V ulicích San Francisca Marcus Welby, M.D. Baretta Naked City Land of the Giants Charlie's Angels Scarecrow and Mrs. King Hotel MacGyver The Mod Squad The Bill Cosby Show Gunsmoke Wonder Woman Mission: Impossible Adam-12 Hunter Hallmark Hall of Fame The Twilight Zone Nemocnice Chicago Hope Alfred Hitchcock uvádí Sam Benedict Bus Stop Vega$ Rawhide Police Story The High Chaparral The Chicago Teddy Bears Search McCloud Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre Climax! The Big Valley Armstrong Circle Theatre The Word The Philco Television Playhouse Tarzan Ben Casey Ellery Queen Mr. Novak The New Breed CBS Playhouse Playwrights '56 Honey West The Wonderful World of Disney The Legend of Jesse James Jericho J.J. Starbuck Loganův útěk The Bionic Woman The United States Steel Hour Naked City Naked City Naked City Naked City Naked City B.A.D. Cats Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre The Wonderful World of Disney The Untouchables Rawhide Mission: Impossible Purple Playhouse The Untouchables Gunsmoke The Name of the Game Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Battlestar Galactica Condominium Burke's Law Burke's Law Rich Man, Poor Man - Book II The French Atlantic Affair The Six Million Dollar Man Hawaii Five-O Hawaii Five-O Hawaii Five-O Právo a pořádek Hawaii Five-O Hawaii Five-O Alfred Hitchcock uvádí The Wild Wild West Playhouse 90 Mission: Impossible Hunter McMillan & Wife The Mod Squad Poklad z útesu San Bosco Mannix Barney Miller McNaughton's Daughter Barney Miller The Time Tunnel To je vražda, napsala It Takes a Thief The Invisible Man Dan August Cool Million Love, American Style The Hardy Boys / Nancy Drew Mysteries Shirley Temple's Storybook The Wild Wild West The Man from U.N.C.L.E.