Paul Sarossy The Sweet Hereafter V dostihovém sedle Affliction Charlie Bartlett Rituál Pravda nebo lež Lakeboat Lakeboat Pokušení Mr In-Between Ukradená minulost Ukradená minulost Ripley Under Ground Anton Chekhov's The Duel Exotica Hlava v oblacích Rated X The Padre Jerry and Tom Mariette in Ecstasy The Man Who Saved Christmas Felicia's Journey Duets Perfect Pie Ordinary Magic White Room Love & Human Remains Ďáblův uzel Giant Steps The Captive Satie and Suzanne Vzpomeň si Martha, Inc.: The Story of Martha Stewart Terminal City Ricochet Eight Days to Live Irenina přísaha Pod hladinou Blood & Donuts Krapp's Last Tape Zákon Gangu Lekce Kšeft The Adjuster Abroad Perfektní záskok Goon: Last of the Enforcers The Survivors Club Ve stínu lovce Longing Prostě dokonalá Seven Veils Montréal vu par… Guest of Honour Vojákova dívka Ararat Adoration Speaking Parts Suburban Madness No Night Is Too Long Pete's Meteor