
RoboCop 1987


Velkommen til Detroit. Vi er i den nærmeste fremtid, og kriminaliteten er løbet løbsk. Anarki og vold hersker i USA's gader, og forbryderne har erobret magten i byens bestyrelser. Politiet står næsten magtesløse, men de har et hemmeligt våben - halvt menneske, halvt maskine - RoboCop. RoboCop der er programmeret til at udføre det beskidte arbejde med mekanisk præcision, synes nærmest uovervindelig. Men under metalpanseret, findes der stadig et menneskehjerte og retfærdighedssans!


Drengen og jern-kæmpen

Drengen og jern-kæmpen 1999


En enorm robot er kommet hertil fra det ydre rum. Den er nødlandet på Jorden, og har fulgt den 11-årige Hogarth Hughes hjem. Nu har den unge Hogarth en stor ven og et endnu større problem. Hvordan holder man på en hemmelighed der er 15 meter høj? Især når en paranoid agent, som er sendt ud af regeringen for at jage rumvæsner, sætter hele USA's militære apparat ind for at knuse kæmpen.


Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim 2013


Storbyer verden over plages af monstrøse kaiju-uhyrer, der vader op af havet og smadrer alt. Monstrene har længe været holdt i skak af gigantrobotter, de såkaldte Jaegere, som hver styres af to mentalt forbundne piloter. Men menneskeheden er ved at tabe kampen. Deres sidste håb er den uglesete Raleigh og den uprøvede Mako, som viser sig at være en kampdygtig duo, når de sammen bemander en gammel Jaeger.


Transformers: Udryddelsesalderen

Transformers: Udryddelsesalderen 2014


Der er gået fem år, siden slaget mellem de gode autobots og de onde decepticons lagde Chicago øde. Regeringen har i mellemtiden bygget deres egne robotter, der skal gøre det af med alle overlevende Transformers. Da opfinderen Cade finder en skrottet sættevogn, som viser sig at være autobotten Optimus Prime, får han og hans teenagedatter, Tessa, såvel CIA som en intergalaktisk dusørjæger på halsen.


Monsters mod Aliens

Monsters mod Aliens 2009


Verdens mest usandsynlige helte er på en mission for at redde jorden i Monsters mod aliens.Gigantika, Dr. Kakerlak, Ph.D., Missing Link, Insektosaurus og B.O.B. gør fælles front mod de angribende aliens.Det stjernespækkede hold og den fantastiske animation gør hele dette giganorme eventyr til en monsterfed film for hele familien.


Transformers One

Transformers One 2024


Den ufortalte oprindelseshistorie om Optimus Prime og Megatron, bedre kendt som svorne fjender, men engang var venner knyttet sammen som brødre, der ændrede Cybertrons skæbne for altid.


Den dag jorden stod stille

Den dag jorden stod stille 1951


En flyvende tallerken lander, og ud træder et væsen, som fortæller jorden at hvis jordens beboere ikke lærer at leve i fred, så vil planeten blive erklæret en trussel mod universet, og destrueret.


Pacific Rim 2: Uprising

Pacific Rim 2: Uprising 2018


Den oprørske og engang lovende Jæger pilot Jake Pentecost's far gav sit liv for at redde menneskeheden. Jake har opgivet sin træning og lever i en kriminel underverden. Men da en endnu større og langt mere ustoppelig trussel truer vores byer og bringer verden på randen af sammenbrud, får han en sidste chance af sin søster, som leder en ny generation af modige piloter, som er vokset op i krigens skygge. Deres eneste håb er at stå sammen i en global modstandsbevægelse og tage kampen op mod de kræfter, som ønsker at udslette os. Jake får følgeskab af den piloten Lambert og den 15-årige Jaeger hacker Amara, som bliver hans nye familie.


The Day the Earth Stood Still

The Day the Earth Stood Still 2008


Nu genoplives 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' - klassikeren af samme navn fra 1951. Keanu Reeves spiller en alien ved navn Klaatu, hvis ankomst til vores planet udløser global kaos. Mens regeringer og forskere verden over kæmper for at løse mysteriet bag den fremmedes pludselige visit på jorden fanges en ung kvinde, spillet af Jennifer Connelly, og hendes stedsøn i Klaatus mission. Han kalder sig selv for "Ven af Jorden" og langsomt begynder kvinden og hendes stedsøn at forstå de forskellige konsekvenser af Klaatus tilstedeværelse. 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' er en science-fiction film udover det sædvanlige.


Superman & Batman: Samfundets fjender

Superman & Batman: Samfundets fjender 2009


Lex Luthor skal vælges til USAs præsident, og kun Superman og Batman modsætter sig dette. Men Lex Luthor smeder planer for en gang for alle at udslette sine ærkefjender. Han får det til at se ud, som om Superman og Batman i stedet er imod folket. Udpeget som forbrydere stilles de nu over for en masse skurke og andre superhelte, som alle er ude på at knuse dem.


Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance

Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance 2009


Under konstant angreb af monstrøse skabninger kaldet engle, der søger at udrydde menneskeheden, U.N. Special Agency NERV introducerer to nye EVA piloter til at forsvare byen Tokyo-3: den mystiske Makinami Mari Illustrous og den intense Asuka Langley Shikinami. I mellemtiden, Gendo Ikari og SEELE videre med et hemmeligt projekt, der involverer både Rei og Shinji. Filmen blev omdøbt "Evangelion: 2.22" for sin DVD / Blu-Ray udgivelse.



Aquarion 2005


Set in the future, a giant fighting machine called the Aquarion is humanity's only effective weapon in the fight against the technologically advanced species called the Shadow Angels.


The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World

The Red Ranger Becomes an Adventurer in Another World 2025


Togo Asagaki was the Red Ranger in a heroic Ranger squad. During their final battle against an evil organization, he gave his life to guarantee their triumph. But fate had other plans, and he found himself reborn in an entirely different world. Embracing his new role as an adventurer, he transforms into Kizuna Red and continues his pursuit of justice, helping those in need.


No. 1 Sentai Gozyuger

No. 1 Sentai Gozyuger 2025


In the distant past, a great battle known as the "Universe War" erupted between all Super Sentai robots and a colossal "calamity." This war, later called the "Universal Great War," was brought to an end by a giant deity named Tega Sword. This transcendent being, imbued with the power of all Super Sentai, fell into slumber after sustaining injuries. Hoeru Tono, a young man drifting between part-time jobs, finds himself fired once again. Around the same time, the mysterious organization "Bridan" begins attacking Earth to awaken Tega Sword. Suddenly, Tono is enveloped in a strange space where he encounters Tega Sword. He learns that gathering special "rings" will grant him any wish. Without a specific wish in mind, Tono resolves to aim for the "Number One" and fights as Gozyu Wolf against Bridan. What wish will Tono eventually discover? And who are the other ring warriors?


Infinite Stratos

Infinite Stratos 2011


Girls from all over the world gather at IS Academy to learn how to become IS pilots. However, since Ichika can somehow pilot the IS even though he is male, he was forced to attend IS Academy as the only male in this school.


Godzilla Singular Point

Godzilla Singular Point 2021


Brought together by a mysterious song, a grad student and an engineer lead the fight against an unimaginable force that may spell doom for the world.


Transformers: War for Cybertron: Siege

Transformers: War for Cybertron: Siege 2020


On their dying planet, the Autobots and Decepticons battle fiercely for control of the AllSpark in the Transformers universe's origin story.



Aldnoah.Zero 2014


In 1972, the Apollo 17 mission discovered a hypergate to Mars on the surface of the moon. Soon a war breaks out between Earth and Mars, and Martian soldiers begin to descend from the sky, riding steel giants, intent on exterminating humanity.


Gurren Lagann

Gurren Lagann 2007


In the distant future, mankind has lived quietly and restlessly underground for hundreds of years, subject to earthquakes and cave-ins. Living in one such village are 2 young men: one named Simon who is shy and naïve, and the other named Kamina who believes in the existence of a “surface” world above their heads.


Mazinger Z

Mazinger Z 1972


Mazinger Z, known briefly as Tranzor Z in the United States, is a Japanese super robot manga series written and illustrated by Go Nagai. The first manga version was serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump from October 1972 to August 1973, and it later continued in Kodansha TV Magazine from October 1973 to September 1974. It was adapted into an anime television series which aired on Fuji TV from December 1972 to September 1974. A second manga series was released alongside the TV show, this one drawn by Gosaku Ota, which started and ended almost at the same time of the TV show. Mazinger Z has spawned several sequels and spinoff series, among them UFO Robot Grendizer and Mazinkaiser. It was a very popular cartoon in Mexico during the 1980s, where it was dubbed into Spanish directly from the Japanese version, keeping the Japanese character names and broadcasting all 92 episodes, unlike the version aired in the U.S.


Choujuu Sentai Liveman

Choujuu Sentai Liveman 1988


Yusuke, Jo, Megumi, Kenji, Gou and Rui are students at Academia but the latter three decide to turn bad and join forces with the evil army Volt. When the defectors return, their three friends are forced to combat them as Choujuu Sentai Liveman. With the help of an android ally named Colon and a few others along the way, the Liveman must save the world and their friends.


Megas XLR

Megas XLR 2004


Megas XLR is a series about an overweight couch potato named Coop who stumbles across a giant robot in a junkyard. He soon discovers that the robot was sent from the future when a woman named Kiva returns to the past to claim what is rightfully hers, though Coop made so many modification to the machine so he's the only one who can fully operate it. Things also heat up when Coop learns that an alien race called the Glorft are also after his MEGAS robot, so he teams up with Kiva and his best friend Jamie to fight them off, though mostly so he can keep his new toy.



Heroman 2010


An American kid named Joey lives in Center City, USA & has always wanted to become a hero. Unfortunately, he's just an orphan working part-time to support his grandma and himself. After he watched a commercial of a new robot action figure, Joey believe he'll gain strength if he obtains one. The only robot toy he can get his hands on is a broken one that was abandoned by a rich school bully. Feeling pity for the trashed action figure, Joey took it home to repair it. Little did he know, that once he repairs the toy, it'll make his hero dream become a reality.


Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact! 2009


Developed from Japanium ore is the super energy, Photon Power. Seeking this energy is Dr. Hell, a madman craving world domination who along with his subordinates Baron Ashura and Count Brocken, commands the Machine Beasts excavated from Bardos Island (believed to be Rhodes) to attack the Photon Power Lab and take it for himself. Meeting the attack head on is our hero, the hot-blooded teenager Kouji Kabuto who pilots the super robot Mazinger Z, constructed by his grandfather Juzo and made from the strongest metal Chogokin Z. But in this battle between Dr. Hell and the Kabuto family, many legends surrounding the Mycenaean Civilization and Bardos Island, as well as the secrets of Mazinger Z remain shrouded in mystery.


Mobile Suit Gundam

Mobile Suit Gundam 1979


What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in the middle of a war? Teenager Amuro Ray sees his life shattered when war comes to his home. During the chaos, Amuro finds himself inside the mobile suit Gundam, the Earth Federation's new secret weapon, and he somehow gets it to work. Amuro and the other refugees flee their homeland on the warship White Base. This group of children and inexperienced soldiers will change the outcome of the war.


Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance

Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance 2024


Eleven months into the One Year War in U.C.0079, top Zaku II pilot Captain Solari faces the Earth Federation's new lethal weapon: the mobile suit Gundam.


Schwarzes Marken

Schwarzes Marken 2016


Germany was divided into East and West after WWII, where citizens of either treated the other side as enemies. In the midst of Cold War, however, the Earth was invaded by an alien life form landed on Kashgar, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, known as "Beta." Now, ten years after the first contact, East Germany, formally German Democratic Republic, has become the front line.


Voltes V: Legacy

Voltes V: Legacy 2023


Voltes V: Legacy follows the story of three brothers, Steve, Big Bert, and Little Jon Armstrong, and their friends Jamie Robinson and Mark Gordon, as they fight the forces of humanoid aliens known as Boazanians who plans to invade the earth and launch their beast fighters all over the world.


Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 2010


When Banagher Links meets the mysterious Audrey Burne, he inherits the Unicorn Gundam and is swept up into the battle for space colony independence.


Vehicle Force Voltron

Vehicle Force Voltron 1984


The Galaxy Alliance's home planets have become overcrowded, and a fleet of explorers has been sent to search for new planets to colonize. Along the way, they attract the attention of the evil Drule Empire, long engaged in an ongoing war against the Alliance, and the Drules proceed to interfere in the mission of the explorers and the colonists. Since the Voltron of Planet Arus was too far away to help the explorers, a totally new Voltron is constructed to battle the Drule threat.