Everything Everywhere All at Once

Everything Everywhere All at Once 2022


Den kinesiske immigrant Evelyn bestyrer et vaskeri sammen med sin mand. Men vaskeriet bliver undersøgt af skattevæsnet, og som om det ikke var slemt nok, kastes Evelyn ind i et vanvittigt eventyr. Hun hvirvles ind i en række parallelle universer og gennemlever alle de liv, hun kunne have levet - og pludselig er hun den eneste, som kan redde verden.


Dragens knytnæve

Dragens knytnæve 1972


I begyndelsen af 1900-tallet regeres Shanghai af japanerne, som håner og ydmyger kineserne, og byen er en smeltedigel af racisme og had. Da Chen vender tilbage til Shanghai til sin elskede Kung Fu læremesters begravelse, opdager han, at der er tale om et giftmord. Han drager ud for at tage blodig hævn, og ve den der står i vejen for Chen, for han ledsages af sine to uovervindelige venner - sine næver af stål.


Death Race 2

Death Race 2 2010


Death Race 2 udspiller sig i en nær fremtid hvor USAs økonomi skraber bunden, og hvor den voldsomme kriminalitet er helt ud af kontrol. Private fængsler vokser frem og har skabt en lovløs subkultur som styres af bander, koldblodige mordere og sociopater. Det værste af disse fænglser er Terminal Island. Indenfor murene afholdes en brutal konkurrence som får fangerne til at kæmpe mod hinanden i stålforstærkede og tungt armerede køretøjer: Death Race. Vinderen belønnes med friheden – det vil sige hvis han overlever længe nok til at opleve den...


Solens rige

Solens rige 1987


Jim Graham er en britisk, forkælet møgunge, der bor i Shanghai, da byen bliver invaderet af japanerne under Anden Verdenskrig. Han bliver adskilt fra sin familie og kommer i en japansk fangelejer, der udmærker sig ved den totale mangle på stuepiger, butlere og andre tjenende ånder. Nu må Jim lære at klare sig selv. På den hårde måde.


Shanghai Noon

Shanghai Noon 2000


Chon Wang fra den kinesiske kejsers garde rejser til Det Vilde Vesten for at befri den yndige prinsesse Pei Pei fra sin pengegriske bortfører, kejserforræderen Lo Fong. I det nordamerikanske slår den slagkraftige og idérige antihelt Chon Wang sig sammen med den evigt snakkende og selvglade forbryder Roy O'Bannon, som forelsker sig i tanken om den løsesum i guld, som tre andre af kejserens folk har med i bagagen i det fjerne land. Men både ordenshåndhæveren Nathan Van Cleef, Roys gamle bande af forbrydertumper og Lo Fong står i vejen for Chon Wang's heltemodige befrielsesplaner.



Skiptrace 2016


Hong Kong-politimanden Bennie Chan (spillet af Jackie Chan) har i over ti år forsøgt at fange gangsteren Victor Wong, men har manglet beviser for at den respekterede forretningsmand i virkeligheden er forbryder. Da Bennies niece Samantha bliver rodet ud i problemer med Wong, må Bennie opspore den eneste der kan hjælpe hende og få Victor Wong ned med nakken, den amerikanske ludoman Connor Watts. Han har ved et uheld overværet et mord, og kan bruges som vidne mod Wong. Chan finder Watts - og de ryger ud på et farefuldt eventyr. Kan Bennie holde Watts i live?


American Factory

American Factory 2019


I denne dokumentar vokser håbet, da et kinesisk firma genåbner en nedlukket fabrik i Ohio. Men et kultursammenstød truer med at knuse den amerikanske drøm.


Wheels On Meals

Wheels On Meals 1984


Thomas og David lader livet gå sin gang, mens de kører deres madvogn rundt på Barcelonas gader. Men hverdagen bliver pludselig afbrudt, da de efter et møde med en rockerbande møder en smuk lommetyv ved navn Sylvia, som søger beskyttelse fra banden. For at hjælpe kvinden kontakter de deres ven og privatdetektiv Moby. Sammen gør de tre umage musketerer det til deres opgave at redde kvinden fra den ondskabsfulde bande.



Bao 2018


En aldrende kinesisk mor, plaget af et uopfyldt mødre instinkt, får endnu en chance for at være mor, da en af hendes dumplings kommer til live som en livlig, men arrig, dumpling dreng.


7 Guardians of the Tomb

7 Guardians of the Tomb 2018


En uskyldig opdagelse af en velbevaret mumificeret kejser fra 200 f.Kr. i Kina genstarter et 2000-årigt mareridt - en hemmelighed, der burde have været forblevet begravet.


Klub held og glæde

Klub held og glæde 1993


Om fire kinesiske kvinder, der flygtede til San Francisco i 1949, og om konflikterne mellem dem og deres døtre, der ivrigt har tilpasset sig den amerikanske kultur


Soul Land

Soul Land 2018


Tang San spent his life in the Tang Outer Sect, dedicated to the creation and mastery of hidden weapons. Once he stole the secret lore of the Inner Sect to reach the pinnacle of his art, his only way out was death. But after throwing himself off the deadly Hell's Peak he was reborn in a different world, the world of Douluo Dalu, a world where every person has a spirit of their own, and those with powerful spirits can practice their spirit power to rise and become Spirit Masters. The spirit that awakens within Tang San is Blue Silver Grass, a useless spirit. Can he overcome the difficulties to reach the high ranks of Spirit Masters and bring the glory of the Tang Sect into this new world?


Swallowed Star

Swallowed Star 2020


On the Earth, a catastrophe triggered the variation of all kinds of species. The superior survived and the inferior were extinct. Under this circumstance, Luo Feng inherited from the owner of Yunmo Star and became one of the three strongest people on the Earth. He lost his flesh during the fight against giant swallowed monster but then he took the flesh of the monster. In the flesh, he developed a human body. Later, he stepped out of the Earth and headed to the universe.


Tales of Demons and Gods

Tales of Demons and Gods 2017


In his past life, although too weak to protect his home when it counted, out of grave determination Nie Li became the strongest Demon Spiritist and stood at the pinnacle of the martial world. However, he lost his life during the battle with the Sage Emperor and six deity-ranked beasts. His soul was then brought back to when he was still 13 years old. Although he's the weakest in his class with the lowest talent, having only a red soul realm and a weak one at that, with the aid of the vast knowledge which he accumulated from his previous life, he decided to train faster than anyone could expect. He also decided to help those who died nobly in his previous life to train faster as well. He aims to protect the city from the coming future of being devastated by demon beasts and the previous fate of ending up destroyed. He aims to protect his lover, friends, family and fellow citizens who died in the beast assault or its aftermath.


Tai Chi Chasers

Tai Chi Chasers 2007


After a strange and devastating attack on his home, a young boy named Rai is shocked to discover he’s a secret descendent of the Tigeroids: an ancient race of peaceful beings locked in a struggle with the ruthless and cunning Dragonoids. In a parallel universe called Suhn, the Tigeroids and Dragonoids are battling furiously to recover 500 lost tai chi characters. Whoever retrieves these precious and potent symbols will possess the ultimate power to rule their realm... and destroy their enemies. As Rai hones his innate tai chi skills to fight the Dragonoids, he must find the lost tai chi and battle to become one of the champion Tai Chi Chasers!


Screechers Wild!

Screechers Wild! 2016


Screechers Wild is a Chinese-American animated series, produced by Alpha Group in coproduction with Man of Action and Wexworks Media. As of now, it consists of one season and one web series. It was first broadcasted in China on March 14, 2016, and on the United States on June 15, 2018.


Three Kingdoms

Three Kingdoms 2010


A Chinese television series based on the events in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period.


Great Dance Crew

Great Dance Crew 2022


Jointly initiated by Youku and the Hip-Hop Committee of the China's Dancer Association, and officially collaborating with the World Hip Hop Dance Championship (HHI). Through the process of a few artists establishing their own 'women's dance crew', we will all gather China's street dance professionals and female street dancers from all walks of life. Through rounds of competition, the strongest street dance crew will be chosen eventually, and will take part in a world class street dance crew competition, creating a professional and publicly regarded performance works, showcasing the positive influence that dance has on the younger generation.


Can't Buy Me Love

Can't Buy Me Love 2023


A young man gets entangled in a kidnap-for-ransom situation. He offers the kidnappers all his hard-earned money to save the victim, believing that her wealthy Filipino-Chinese family could easily repay him, or so he thought.


Martial Universe

Martial Universe 2019


Hailing from a banished family of the Great Lin Clan, when Lin Dong was very young, he watched, powerless, as his talented father was easily crushed and crippled by the overwhelming genius of the great Lin Clan, Lin Langtian. With a despairing father, a heartbroken grandfather, and a suffering family, ever since that fateful day, Lin Dong has been driven by a deep purpose; to take revenge on the man who had taken everything and more from his family. Armed with nothing but willpower and determination, join Lin Dong as he unknowingly discovers a destiny greater than he could ever hope to imagine when he stumbles upon a mysterious stone talisman…



Rattan 2021


An encounter leads to a lifetime of memories. An ordinary man accidentally wakes the mysterious Si Teng from decades of slumber. In helping her search for her identity, they overcome many obstacles to grow together in love. On a journey to retrace his ancestry, young designer Qin Fang accidentally sets off a contraption that leads to him to a woman named Si Teng who is bewitchingly beautiful and powerful. Confused by the fragmented memories in her mind, Si Teng claims to be Qin Fang's new master and forces him to aid in her plans. Si Teng gradually opens up to Qin Fang and grows to discover the novelty and wonders of living. However, Bai Ying who has became crazed from her obsession becomes a roadblock in their relationship.


Deyun Laughter Club

Deyun Laughter Club 2020


Deyun Laughter Club is an unprecedented internal assessment launched by Guo Degang, the leader of Deyun Club. Under the leadership of Guo Degang and Yu Qian, young crosstalk actors of Deyun Club will get a task in each episode and create a crosstalk about the task. Their partners will be reorganized in each episode and the person graded last will be eliminated on a regular basis. Let’s see who will dominate Deyun in this fall and become Deyun's rising star.


Armor Hero

Armor Hero 2009


Xin Nan, Bei Miao, Dong Shan, Xi Zhao, and Kun Zhong are the descendants of the fire village, the water village, the wood village, the metal village, and the earth village, respectively. Their bodies contain a mysterious gene. Under the use of the Guang Ying Armor they will receive magical combat armors that have been passed down since the ancient times. With these armors, they will become the embodiment of righteousness - Yan Long Xia, the Fire Dragon Hero, Hei Xi Xia, the Black Rhinoceros Hero, Feng Ying Xia, the Wind Eagle Hero, Xue Ao Xia, the Snow Mastiff Hero, and Di Hu Xia, the Earth Tiger Hero. As these heroes, they will fight against the emperor of the darkness and his minions. To disrupt the happiness of the community, the evil ones used pollutants to create a pollution monsters that destroys the environment and the peace of the community


The Rebel Princess

The Rebel Princess 2021


Wang Xuan and Xiao Qi strike a deal for the sake of power. They marry first before falling in love and join hands to protect their homeland. She is a woman who is no less than any man while he rose from humble beginnings. The imperial family has become rotten to the core. The nobles are lavish with no regard for the people. Princess Wang Xuan and her childhood sweetheart, the third prince, become pawns of a prophecy that states, "to acquire thee is to obtain the world." Being pulled into the matters of the court, Wang Xuan is married off by her father to Xiao Qi who comes from a poor family. On the night of their wedding, Xiao Qi is forced to leave the capital. Wang Xuan is shamed and discouraged. The Helan Prince kidnaps Wang Xuan in order to seek revenge on Xiao Qi. The crisis they face becomes a blessing in disguise for the couple. Wang Xuan is moved and inspired by Xiao Qi's wish to bring peace and prosperity to the nation and they fall in love.


The Deer and the Cauldron

The Deer and the Cauldron 2014


Can a hero with no combat abilities still save the empire? Wei Xiao Bao (Han Dong) is the most unlikely hero as the sly but witty son of a prostitute during the early Qing Dynasty. As he makes his way from the brothel where he was born in Yangzhou to the capital city of Beijing, he encounters all kinds of trouble and mishaps.


Go, Single Lady

Go, Single Lady 2014


Wang Manling, the daughter of a wealthy pig farmer, struggles to fit into high society. Meanwhile, once-wealthy playboy Fan Jiangyu faces financial ruin. In an unexpected partnership, Jiangyu teaches Manling the ways of the elite, and through their journey of keeping up appearances, they discover the true meaning of wealth and success.


To be Hero X

To be Hero X 2025


This is a world where heroes are created by people's trust, and the hero who has received the most trust is known as - X. In this world, people's trust can be calculated by data, and these values will be reflected on everyone's wrist. As long as enough trust points are obtained, ordinary people can also have superpowers and become superheroes that save the world. However, the ever-changing trust value makes the hero's path full of unknowns...