Nøgleord Art
Knock Knock 2015
'Knock Knock' handler om en ægtemand med et perfekt liv, men en aften, hvor han er alene hjemme, banker to forførende, unge kvinder på døren...
Inside 2023
En kunsttyv bliver fanget i en penthouse i New York, efter at hans røveri går skævt. Fængslet med intet andet end uvurderlige kunstværker, må han bruge al sin list og opfindelse for at overleve.
Den Store Skønhed 2013
”Den store skønhed” er et portræt af et feststemt, pyntesygt og dekadent Rom med den aldrende forfatter Jep som karismatisk fikspunkt og den evige stad som det billedskønne bagtæppe.
Natdyr 2016
Den velhavende, men ensomme galleriejer Susan Morrow får tilsendt manuskriptet til en roman fra sin eksmand Edward, som hun ikke har haft kontakt med i årevis. Bogen er tilegnet Susan, men handlingen er voldsom og chokerende. Historien gør dybt indtryk på Susan. Hun fortolker den som en fortælling om hævn - en fortælling, der tvinger hende til at se på sit forhold til Edward med nye øjne.
Jigsaw 2002
Cashback 2007
Instruktøren Sean Ellis har her forvandlet sin 17 minutter lange Oscar-nominerede kortfilm til en spillefilm! Vi følger den studerende Ben (Sean Biggerstaff), der netop er blevet dumpet af sin kæreste, og som følge deraf lider han af søvnløshed. Derfor begynder han at arbejde i et døgn-supermarked, hvor han møder en række spøjse personer, der har hver deres metode til at komme igennem en ulideligt kedelig 8 timers vagt.
Notes on a Scandal 2006
Shebra bliver ansat som ny lærer på St. George skole og bliver med det samme gode venner med den lidt ældre kollega Barbara. Det er også Barbara, hun betror sig til, da hun indleder en hemmelig affære med en af sine venner, og fortroligheden knytter de to tæt sammen. Men kun for en stund. For gradvist ændrer styrkeforholdet sig mellem de to kvinder.
Stillidsen 2019
Theo Decker er 13 år, da han på mirakuløs vis overlever en eksplosion på et kunstmuseum i New York, mens hans mor omkommer. Ved ulykken kommer han i besiddelse af et værdifuldt kunstværk fra 1600-tallet - et fascinerende billede af en lille fugl, som han bærer med sig igennem sin ungdom.
Den danske pige 2015
'Den danske pige' handler om danskeren Einar Wegener, der var den første person, der fik en kønsskifteoperation. Nyhavn, 1924. Portrætmaleren Gerda Wegener beder sin mand, landskabsmaleren Einar, om at posere som kvinde, for at hun kan færdiggøre et maleri. Oplevelsen får Einar til at indse, at han altid har følt sig som en kvinde fanget i en mands krop. Einars forvandling til Lili bliver også en udfordring for Gerda, men hun støtter sin mand, da han opsøger en tysk læge for at få verdens første kønsskifteoperation.
空の青さを知る人よ 2019
Portræt af en kvinde 1996
Isabel Archer er en ung 1800-tals-kvinde med mod på livet. Efter at have arvet en pæn sum penge møder hun i Rom den forførende Gilbert Osmond. Det ender i et ægteskab, hvor Isabel ydmyges psykisk, men også flirter med oprørstanken.
Destricted 2006
ブルーピリオド 2024
Crush 2022
The Lost Leonardo 2021
All the Beauty and the Bloodshed 2022
Kunstneren og fotografen Nan Goldin, der er kendt for sine portrætter af sin eklektiske vennekreds, er repræsenteret i kunstsamlinger på verdens førende museer. De samme institutioner tager imod donationer fra hendes svorne fjender: Sackler-familien, som gennem familievirksomheden Purdue Pharma har tjent milliarder på den amerikanske opioidkrise. I 'All the Beauty and the Bloodshed' væver den Oscar-vindende instruktør Laura Poitras Nan Goldins banebrydende kunstneriske arbejde sammen med hendes ihærdige kamp for at få kunstverdenen til at holde op med at tage imod blodpenge. En efter en falder bogstaverne S-a-c-k-l-e-r ned fra museumsfacaderne.
きみの声をとどけたい 2017
Left-Handed Wife 2019
Lee Soo-Ho and Oh San-Ha are deeply in love. They have their wedding and go on a honeymoon. During their honeymoon, Lee Soo-Ho has an accident and loses his memory. Meanwhile, Oh San-Ha does not know what happened to her husband and tries to find him. A conspiracy lurks beneath.
Honey and Clover 2005
Takemoto Yuuta, Mayama Takumi, and Morita Shinobu are college students who share the small apartment. Even though they live in poverty, the three of them are able to obtain pleasure through small things in life. The story follows these characters' life stories as poor college students, as well as their love lives when a short but talented 18 year old girl called Hanamoto Hagumi appears.
Blue Period 2021
Bored with life, popular high schooler Yatora Yaguchi jumps into the beautiful yet unrelenting world of art after finding inspiration in a painting.
Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi: The World's Greatest First Love 2011
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi follows three couples that are interconnected within the manga industry, with each being subject to the budding of first love.
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun 2014
High school student Chiyo Sakura has a crush on schoolmate Umetarō Nozaki, but when she confesses her love to him, he mistakes her for a fan and gives her an autograph. When she says that she always wants to be with him, he invites her to his house and has her help on some drawings. Chiyo discovers that Nozaki is actually a renowned shōjo manga artist named Sakiko Yumeno. She then agrees to be his assistant in order to get closer to him. As they work on his manga Let's Fall in Love (恋しよっ), they encounter other schoolmates who assist them or serve as inspirations for characters in the stories.
O Maidens in Your Savage Season 2019
The girls in a high school literature club do a little icebreaker to get to know each other: answering the question, "What's one thing you want to do before you die?" One of the girls blurts out, "Sex." Little do they know, the whirlwind unleashed by that word pushes each of these girls, with different backgrounds and personalities, onto their own clumsy, funny, painful, and emotional paths toward adulthood.
Revue Starlight 2018
Starlight is a play loved throughout the world. Karen and Hikari make a promise with each other when they're young that one day they'll stand on that stage together. Time passes, and now the girls are 16 years old. Karen is very enthusiastic about the lessons she takes every day, holding her promise close to her heart. Hikari has transferred schools and is now away from Karen. But the cogs of fate turn, and the two are destined to meet again. The girls and other Stage Girls will compete in a mysterious audition process to gain acceptance into the revue.
Watercolour Challenge 1998
Three amateur artists are given four hours to paint, in watercolour, the same scene or landscape, often with widely different interpretations. At the end of the four hours, the guest professional artist for the week judged the paintings and selected the winner, who would then appear in a regional final, and if successful would compete in the end of series final.
Fake or Fortune? 2011
Journalist Fiona Bruce teams up with art expert Philip Mould to investigate the provenance or attribution of notable artworks.
Meraviglie - La penisola dei tesori 2018
The beautiful Italy
When We Meet 2022
The story revolves around an office worker named Lu Ming and a high school student named Deng Yu, who shares the same appearance. One day, they meet coincidentally and from then onward, their lives became entangled together. As they spend time together, they slowly understand each other; growing together and achieving redemption, and finally became an inseparable part of each other.
American Masters 1986
American Masters is a PBS television series which produces biographies on enduring writers, musicians, visual and performing artists, dramatists, filmmakers, and others who have left an indelible impression on the cultural landscape of the United States.
The Gift 2019
A painter in Istanbul embarks on a personal journey as she unearths universal secrets about an Anatolian archaeological site and its link to her past.
Little Einsteins 2005
A group of musically gifted and ethnically diverse children travel around the world in an artificially intelligent rocket named Rocket.
Hyouka 2012
Oreki Houtarou is a minimalistic high school boy. One day, he joins the Classic Literature Club at his elder sister's request. There he meets Chitanda Eru, Fukube Satoshi, and Ibara Mayaka. Chitanda is a calm beautiful girl but she turns into an embodiment of curiosity once she says, "I'm curious." Fukube is a smiling boy with a fantastic memory who calls himself a database. Ibara is a short girl and is strict with others and herself. They begin to investigate a case that occurred 45 years ago. Hints of the mystery are buried in an old collection of works of the former members of Classics Club. The collection is titled "Hyouka."
Off the Air 2011
A collection of psychedelic and visually complex animation, art, and culture.
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju 2016
When a certain man is released from prison, he knows exactly where he's heading first. After falling in love with a traditional comic storyteller's rendition of the story called "Shinigami," he is determined to become his apprentice. The performer, Yakumo, has never taken an apprentice before, but to everyone's surprise, he accepts the eager ex-prisoner, nicknaming him "Yotaro." As Yotaro happily begins his new life, he meets others in Yakumo's life, including Yakumo's ward Konatsu. Konatsu was the daughter of a famous storyteller, and Yakumo took her in after her father's tragic death. Konatsu loved her father's storytelling, and would love to become a performer in her own right—but that path is not available for women.
Record of Youth 2020
In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.
Hartbeat 1970
Hartbeat was a Children's BBC television arts programme presented by Tony Hart. It was broadcast between 1984 and 1993. The series was a follow on from Take Hart and taught children how to design art features and use everyday items to make objects.
Hozuki's Coolheadedness 2014
Hōzuki is the aide to the great king of Hell, King Enma. Calm and super-sadistic, Hōzuki tries to resolve the various problems in Hell, including a rampaging Momotarō and his companions. However, he also likes spending his free time on his hobbies, such as fawning over cute animals and raising "Goldfish Flowers."