Texas Chainsaw

Texas Chainsaw 2013


Mange år efter at massemorderen Leatherface og hans lige så gale familie gik amok i den texanske flække Newt, arver den unge Heather et gammelt hus i selvsamme by. I selskab med sin kæreste og to venner tager hun af sted for at tjekke huset ud. Men kommer de mon hjem igen ...?


Don't Breathe 2

Don't Breathe 2 2021


Den blinde mand har gemt sig i flere år i en isoleret hytte og har taget ind og opdraget en ung pige, der var forældreløs fra en ødelæggende husbrand. Deres rolige liv sammen bliver knust, da en gruppe kriminelle kidnapper pigen og tvinger den blinde mand til at forlade sit sikre tilflugtssted for at redde hende.



Rollingerne 1998


Rollingerne, frygtløse opdagere og stjerner i Nickelodeons vildt populære tegneserie, tager afsted på deres første eventyr i spillefilmslængde. Med ankomsten af hans nye lillebror Dylan, vidste Tommy Pickles, at alt var ved at ændre sig. Men han havde aldrig regnet med, at det kunne være sådan et eventyr at være storebror. Under et forsøg på at levere Dil tilbage til "hospitalet" beslaglægger Rollingerne Reptar-vognen og bliver ved et uheld væk i skoven.


The Collector

The Collector 2009


Han er hæmningsløs i sin besættelse af menneskers reaktion på smerte og lemlæstelse, og medierne beretter om, hvordan den maskerede og super-intelligente psykopat holder hele storbyen i sit rædselsgreb. Efter et kort ophold i fængsel har håndværkeren Arkin fået job ude på en stor landejendom. Da husets ejere tager på ferie, bryder Arkin ind og stjæler en kostbar juvel, så han kan komme ud af en gammel gæld. Hvad han ikke ved er at den berygtede "The Collector" allerede er derinde i mørket. At familien ikke er taget på ferie - men derimod udsat for grusom tortur af den vanvittige menneskesamler, som har forvandlet huset til en labyrint af dødelige fælder. Snubletråde, flyvende knive, ætsende syre, blod, barberblade - og et menneskeligt rovdyr, der er genial til at slå ihjel langsomt...


The Hours

The Hours 2002


Det sker sjældent, at tre af de største kvindelige Hollywood-stjerner er med i samme film. Endnu sjældnere, at alle tre forsvarer deres roller så hudløst og brillant, at man vanskeligt kan fremhæve én uden at være uretfærdig mod de to andre. Men det mest usædvanlige er, at vi her har en stor, flot, stjernespækket Hollywood-film!"Urban:"Uden at overdrive sine virkemidler sniger filmen sig ind på os tilskuere og rører og river i følelsesregisteret. 'The Hours' er en historie om livet og døden. Kærligheden og smerten. Tag godt med lommetørklæder med i biografen, og sæt tid af til eftertanke!"Berlingske Tidende:"Elegance, trodsig humor og bevægende følsomhed, og den er en berigende, dybt tilfredsstillende oplevelse!


Tror du stadig på julemanden?

Tror du stadig på julemanden? 2002


Tim Allen er tilbage i rollen som Julemanden, eller Scott Calvin som han egentlig hedder. I løbet af de sidste otte år er han blevet alles favorit, ikke mindst hos sine trofaste assistenter som synes han er den bedste Julemand nogensinde. Men ved den kommende jul begynder tingene at spidse til. Hans egen søn Charlie er kommet på årets liste over børn, der ikke har været artige. Desuden skal han finde den rigtige Fru Julemand og gifte sig før juleaften og gør han ikke det, er Julemanden at betragte som afskaffet.


Hr. Pinds juleeventyr

Hr. Pinds juleeventyr 2015


Historien om Hr. Pind, en glad familiefar, der kommer på en vild rejse for at nå hjem til jul og støder på mange forhindringer undervejs.



Abattoir 2016


Julia (Jessica Lowndes) er en ung ambitiøs journalist. En dag får hun et forfærdeligt opkald: Hendes søster og dennes familie er blevet brutalt myrdet af en psykopat. Da Julia ankommer til deres hus, opdager hun, at dødsboet allerede er blevet solgt, men hvad der er endnu mere mystisk: Det rum, mordene foregik i, er blevet fysisk fjernet fra huset! Hele rummet! Da Julia undersøger sagen, opdager hun, at det er ikke er første gang, den slags er sket. Men hvem opkøber alle de dødsboer? Og hvem samler de rum, hvor de brutale forbrydelser har fundet sted?


In My Father's Den

In My Father's Den 2004


Da krigskorrespondenten, Paul, vender hjem til sin søvnige barndomsby for at deltage i sin fars begravelse, mødes han af mistænksomhed og tvivl fra alle andre end den 16-årige Celia, som fascineres af historierne i Pauls liv. De indleder et intensivt venskab, og da hun pludselig forsvinder sporløst, peger alle spor mod Paul. Den apatiske by viser sig at gemme på flere hemmeligheder, end man er villig til at erkende, og Paul bliver konfronteret med sin fortid...


House Hunters

House Hunters 1999


Hosted by Suzanne Whang, the show takes viewers behind the scenes as individuals, couples and families learn what to look for and decide whether or not a home is meant for them. Focusing on the emotional experience of finding and purchasing a new home, each episode follows a prospective buyer and real estate agent through the home-buying process, from start to finish.



HyeMiLeeYeChaePa 2023


Six energetic sisters struggle to complete the quest and get cash in a remote mountain village for survival. Welcome to HyeMiLeeYeChaePa House. Six sisters, Hye-ri, Mi-yeon, Lee-jung, Ye-na, Chae-won, and Patricia, get cash through quests. They play games, dance, eat, sleep, and decorate their homes in a remote mountain village. The six members with different charms become friends faster than anyone else. They create tension, showing off their visuals, talents, and charms as they over indulge in games. Look forward to the bustling livelihood of the six girls who have been reborn as true sisters to settle comfortably in their dream house of nothing!


Funniest Pets & People

Funniest Pets & People 2006


Funniest Pets & People is a solid half-hour of pure entertainment with a proven format featuring hysterical, fast-paced video clips submitted by viewers who share the funniest moments of their favorite Pets & People.


The Upshaws

The Upshaws 2021


Bennie Upshaw, the head of a Black working class family in Indianapolis, is a charming, well-intentioned mechanic and lifelong mess just trying his best to step up and care for his family and tolerate his sardonic sister-in-law, all without a blueprint for success.


Salem's Lot

Salem's Lot 1979


Ben Mears has returned to his hometown to write a book about the supposedly haunted Marsten House. When people around the Marsten House start dying mysteriously, Mears discovers that the owner of the mansion is actually a vampire who is turning them into an army of undead slaves.


Guy's Ranch Kitchen

Guy's Ranch Kitchen 2017


Guy Fieri invites some of his heavy-hitter chef friends over for a spontaneous cook-off, where everyone comes up with big flavors and tasty dishes that can be made in anyone's kitchen.


Secrets of the Manor House

Secrets of the Manor House 2012


Exactly 100 years ago, the world of the British manor house was at its height. It was a life of luxury and indolence for a wealthy few supported by the labor of hundreds of servants toiling ceaselessly "below stairs" to make the lives of their lords and ladies run as smoothly as possible. It is a world that has provided a majestic backdrop to a range of movies and popular costume dramas to this day, including PBS' "Downton Abbey." But what was really going on behind these stately walls? "Secrets of the Manor House" looks beyond the fiction to the truth of what life was like in these British houses of yesteryear. They were communities where two separate worlds existed side by side: the poor worked as domestic servants, while the nation’s wealthiest families enjoyed a lifestyle of luxury, and aristocrats ruled over their servants as they had done for a thousand years.


Bang For Your Buck

Bang For Your Buck 2009


Granite countertops or a custom, mosaic backsplash? Hardwood floors or stone tiles? We are bombarded with so many beautiful home renovation ideas, not only is it difficult to decide what we want, but it's hard to determine which choices provide the greatest return on investment. Bang For Your Buck has the concrete answers on remodeling value and how to get the most out of any renovation budget. In each episode, three homeowners from the same city renovate the same room of the house with the same budget. After the renovation, experts determine the value of each home, dramatically revealing whose remodeling choices were good investment decisions.


What's Your Plan?

What's Your Plan? 2016


A show that helps homeowners re-imagine the most difficult rooms in their house, allowing them to 'shop' for the design that best meets their needs. After issuing their brief, homeowners are presented with three concepts brilliantly concocted by three mystery designers. Once they pick their favourite concept, they discover which star designer was the creator and then give that designer the green light to make it a reality.


Kutyil Ltd.

Kutyil Ltd. 2008


Kutyil Ltd. is a continuation of the series Neighbours. But heroes are no longer Laszlo and Ildikó, but Lajos (Andy Kraus) and Tunde (Viki Ráková) Gyönörű. In addition, viewers will get to know not only them but also their daughter, Emese (Michaela Szoczová). Lajos works as a handyman and his repairs are always funny. There is also a magyarized slovak which often makes funny phrases.


Julie's Magic Touch

Julie's Magic Touch 2016


Ambiance stylist Julie Asselin oversees the makeover of an advertised property with the goal of selling it more quickly and for a better price.


Caribbean Life

Caribbean Life 2014


We follow families as they leave the mainland behind and head to the Caribbean to live on island time. Join their search for an affordable slice of heaven, touring gorgeous homes on white sandy beaches. You don't have be rich to live in paradise!


Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation

Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation 2015


Families who achieved their dreams of buying an affordable vacation home are now tasked with the tough job of turning it into the relaxing oasis they envisioned when they purchased it. In each episode of Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation , watch as they work together to transform their new properties into a home away from home, proving that with a little imagination and a lot of muscle, you can have the relaxing getaway you’ve always wanted.


Grand Designs: Trade Secrets

Grand Designs: Trade Secrets 2007


Kevin McCloud is joined by interior design guru Naomi Cleaver (Honey I Ruined the House) and award winning architect Deborah Saunt as they unpick the Grand Designs in series 5 and 6 to bring you behind the scenes advice on how to create a dream home with their own trade secrets.



Queen 2022


After a decades-long absence, a renowned Parisian tailor and drag queen returns to his hometown in Poland to make amends with his daughter.


Positively Paula

Positively Paula 2016


Remember the Paula Deen you know and love? She's back and you're invited into her home for a one-on-one experience while she cooks her favorite recipes, shares memories with family and friends, and her heart.


The Antonio Treatment

The Antonio Treatment 2010


Season four Design Star winner Antonio Ballatore transforms lackluster rooms into radically original spaces. Under the mantra "go big or go home," Ballatore takes ordinary rooms that are beige and boring and gives them The Antonio Treatment.