Tintin: Enhjørningens hemmelighed

Tintin: Enhjørningens hemmelighed 2011


Da den unge reporter Tintin køber et 200 år gammelt modelskib, finder han (og hunden Terry) i flasken et ledespor til sørøveren Rackham den Rødes skat. Tintin allierer sig med den fordrukne kaptajn Haddock, hvis forfader kæmpede mod Rackham. Sammen drager de til Marokko for at finde resterne af det gode skib Enhjørningen. Men banditten Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharin er også ude på skattejagt.


Austin Powers: Goldmember

Austin Powers: Goldmember 2002


Yearrhh! Han er bare SÅ meget tilbage! Det er nu tre lange år siden, at Austin Powers - den internationalt berygtede agent og superstud - har stået ansigt til ansigt med sin arvefjende, Dr. Evil, som han efter så meget besvær fik anbragt, hvor han hører hjemme - nemlig i landets mest sikre fængsel. Austin Powers nyder derfor tilværelsen. Han har endelig mødt den kvinde, han foretrækker vertikalt, snarere end horisontalt og står midt i skulle adles for sine tjenester for Imperiet.


My Name Is Loh Kiwan

My Name Is Loh Kiwan 2024


Efter at være flygtet fra Nordkorea kæmper Loh Kiwan for at få flygtningestatus i Belgien, hvor han møder en nedslået kvinde, der har mistet alt håb.



Nonnen 1959


Nonnen er en amerikansk film fra 1959, som handler om den belgiske nonne Sister Luke, der bliver udstationeret i Belgisk Congo med de bedste intentioner om at udøve sit virke som Guds tjener. Det bliver dog sværere og sværere for hende at forholde sig neutralt til sine omgivelser, og hun må genoverveje de ideologier, hun har valgt at følge. Filmen er instrueret af Fred Zinnemann og blev nomineret til otte Oscars.



Lukas 2018


En dørmand på en natklub i halvtredserne, der har taget slag, bogstaveligt og billedligt, kæmper for at opdrage sin 8-årige datter.


Saints and Soldiers

Saints and Soldiers 2003


Anden Verdenskrig, 1944. Fire amerikanske soldater overlever med nød og næppe Malmédy-massakren og flygter ind i skoven. Her finder de den engelske soldat Oberon Winley, som besidder tophemmelige informationer, der ikke må falde i tyskernes hænder. Sammen må de nu uden proviant og meget få våben trodse alle odds og få afleveret informationerne til den allierede øverste kommando, men de frygter, at der er en nazisympatisør i gruppen.



Belgica 2016


To brødre bliver partnere i en beskeden natklub og forvandler den til byens hotteste sted, men deres succes har omkostninger.



Domino 2019


Den københavnske betjent Christian vil hævne sig på IS-medlemmet Imran for mordet på sin partner. Christian og politikollegaen Alex tager ud for at finde Imran, men fanges i en kattens leg med musen med en uhæderlig CIA-agent.


To Dage, En Nat

To Dage, En Nat 2014


Sandra står til at miste sit job - med mindre hun kan overtale sine kolleger til at sige nej til den bonus, de er blevet stillet i udsigt. Med pistolen for tindingen - hun har kun to dage og én nat til at tale sin sag - må Sandra stemme dørklokker og teste solidariteten blandt kollegerne.



wtFOCK 2018


The story of Dutch speaking young teenagers and pupils in a high school in Antwerp, and their troubles, scandals and everyday life. Each season is told from a different person's point of view.


Thieves of the Wood

Thieves of the Wood 2020


Charismatic highwayman Jan de Lichte leads the oppressed and downtrodden in a revolt against the corrupt aristocracy of 18th-century Belgium.


The ABC Murders

The ABC Murders 2018


1933. Hercule Poirot, older and greyer, receives letters threatening murder. The sender signs themselves only as “A.B.C.” When he takes the letters to the police looking for help, Hercule finds all his old friends have moved on. But soon there is a murder and the once-great detective must take matters into his own hands.


Secret Army

Secret Army 1977


World War II drama about covert organisation Lifeline helping allied airmen escape after being shot down in occupied Europe, working with the Resistance and hiding from the Gestapo.


Looking For Trouble

Looking For Trouble 2017


Celebrities learn it the hard way! Five celebrities must travel only with the money they make by selling goods! Will they be able to enjoy the trip the way they want with the limited budget under extreme circumstances?


The Leader

The Leader 2019


The life of German thinker Karl Marx, focusing on his political and economic theories, his romance with Jenny von Westphalen, and his friendship with Friedrich Engels.


Hotel Beau Séjour

Hotel Beau Séjour 2017


What if you had to investigate your own murder? This anthology series follows victims who wake up to find their own dead bodies and have to navigate the limbo between life and death to solve the mystery of who killed them and why.



Cordon 2014


A cordon seals off a section of Antwerp when a deadly virus threatens the city. People are left to their own devices which brings out the best but also the worst.


Drag Race Belgique

Drag Race Belgique 2023


For the first time in its herstory, Belgium is welcoming the most glamorous drag competition. Hosted by the great French-Canadian diva, Rita Baga, Drag Race Belgique will demonstrate the immense talent and creativity of its drag scene. So be prepared for their audacity and authenticity!


Under the Radar

Under the Radar 2023


An exclusive insight into the work and recruitment of the special units of the Belgian Federal Police. Through testimonies and reconstructions, 'Under the Radar' also takes a closer look at a number of striking operations from the past.


The High Art of the Low Countries

The High Art of the Low Countries 2013


This 3 part series is presented by the British Art Critic, Andrew Graham-Dixon. He explores the Low Countries of the Netherlands and Belgium and how history has influenced the area's art, architecture and culture. Cloth was used in the area's first expression of art in the making of tapestries going back to the 14 th century. They were the No. 1 luxury item of the day. The Low Countries were well placed geographically for markets for their art.


Straight through Belgium

Straight through Belgium 2020


Straight through Belgium is a 4-part adventurous television show, created by television-creator Arnout Hauben. Together with Philippe Niclaes (camera) and Ruben Callens (drone and sound) Hauben follows the GR129, the longest signposted hiking-trail in Belgium. The trail is 500 kilometers long and goes all the way through Belgium from Bruges to Aarlen. Arnout, Philippe and Ruben go "back to basics" for this show and travel with backpack and tents. They complete the trail in 23 days, travelling about 20 km per day. Along the way, Arnout Hauben stops at several special locations with each its own story. He tells stories about Belgian history, but also about lesser-known "petites histoires".


Children of the Colony

Children of the Colony 2018


A look into the Belgian colonisation of Congo through interviews of both colonials as Congolese people that lived it.


The Snowman

The Snowman 2022


In this three-part documentary on the infamous Belgian child murderer Michel Stockx, we deep dive into the process leading up to his conviction and the years of mystery that follow. Not only was he found guilty of rape and murder of three children, he also remained a suspect in several other cold cases. What made him capable of such gruesome murders? And what allowed him to strike time after time? Although his involvement seemed clear, the cases are still haunted by questions for truth. On the basis of interrogation reports, interviews with people involved, and reconstructions of his actions, we are presented an image of how a cold blooded murderer could go about.