The Resident

The Resident 2011


Psykologisk thriller med sexede Hilary Swank (dobbelt Oscar®-vinder) i hovedrollen som den nyligt fraskilte Juliet, der flytter ind i en skøn New Yorkerlejlighed, hvor huslejen er lav og udlejeren charmerende (Jeffrey Dean Morgan). En række mystiske hændelser får imidlertid Juliet til at installere et overvågningskamera, og til sin rædsel opdager hun, at hun ikke er alene i lejligheden. Langtfra ... Instruktør Antti Jokinen har sørget for, at du vil sidde tilbage i mørket med en evig mistanke om, at nogen holder øje med dig. Og hvem ved? Måske han har ret...



Blackout 2008


En gruppe mennesker sidder fast i en elevator under en strømafbrydelse. De befinder sig i en forladt afdeling på et gammelt sygehus, og ingen hører deres råb om hjælp. Snart kan en af dem ikke længere holde sin iver efter at dræbe tilbage.


Brick by Brick: Rebuilding Our Past

Brick by Brick: Rebuilding Our Past 2012


Dan Cruickshank and Charlie Luxton uncover the incredible hidden stories behind historic buildings as they are dismantled brick by brick and meticulously resurrected in new locations.


Insiders Project

Insiders Project 2016


Cold War bomb shelters, secret vaults and underground railway tunnels, abandoned factories and the highest rooftops become the objects of infiltration. Our team takes you along on their urban adventure to uncover the secrets of the hard to access locations. Urban exploration is a hobby that comes with inherent dangers and extreme situations may present themselves at any turn. Unstable structures, unsafe floors, chemical hazards, stray voltage - there’s a lot to overcome to make it to the bottom of that abandoned tunnel or to scale that building! Yet once you get in on the secret workings of the city and get to know the obscure spaces that are normally neglected, it makes it all worth it. It’s time to stop being oblivious to the urban wonders around us. Open a door, cross a fence, or sneak into a hole with our team and you have left the normal world, you are exploring. This is your city, but not as you know it!


Historic House Rescue

Historic House Rescue 2019


Following the restoration of Llwyn Celyn, a medieval house in Wales, using the latest scientific research and historical archives to reveal its story