Pretty Woman

Pretty Woman 1990


Da mangemillionæren Edward farer vild i Beverly Hills og samles op af gadepigen Vivian, bliver det begyndelsen på en usædvanlig kærlighedshistorie. Den travle forretningsmand og firmaopkøber hyrer den snarrådige pige til at spille rollen som hans ledsager i en uges tid. Deres forhold er ren og skær forretning - i hvert fald i begyndelsen...


Notting Hill

Notting Hill 1999


Kan verdens største og dejligste filmstjerne virkelig forelske sig i en helt almindelig og lidt forvirret boghandler? Ja, hvis hun spilles af Julia Roberts og han af Hugh Grant, og de helt bogstaveligt støder sammen en forårsdag på Portobello Road i Londons Notting Hill kvarter.


The Upside

The Upside 2019


Den småkriminelle Dell er blevet prøveløsladt og har brug for et job. Phillip Lacasse er en kørestolsbundet mangemillionær, som har brug for hjælp fra stort set alt fra en personlig assistent – et job, som Dell modvilligt søger. Dell forventer som sædvanligt et rungende nej, men Philippe trænger til lidt forandring i hverdagen og beslutter sig for at give ham jobbet.


Den lille prins

Den lille prins 2015


En mor forsøger at forberede sin datter til en akademisk fremtid med et meget stramt skema. Men en dag bliver hendes bestræbelser afbrudt af den excentriske nabo, Piloten, der præsenterer pigen for en anden verden, hvor en lille prins holder til. Sådan begynder pigens magiske rejse, hvor hun genopdager vigtigheden af at være barn og altid at følge sit hjerte.


Sparkling Girls

Sparkling Girls 2012


"Sparkling Girls" centers around three young and beautiful, hard-working housekeepers who reach stardom instantly when an online video clip of them singing, surprisingly becomes a hit. Their success provokes the wrath of a glamorously gaudy and outspoken famous singer who will do anything to ruin the girls' friendship and career. With humor, romance, over the top characters, and bright, glittery stage performances set to catchy tunes, "Sparkling Girls" delivers all of the expected delights and shows that dreams really do come true.


Side by Side

Side by Side 2012


Winner of the International Emmy Award for Best Telenovela, "Side by Side" focuses on two women of different origins and social classes. The brave Isabel, daughter of a former slave and in love with the capoeira player Zé Maria; and Laura, descendant from a wealthy family and destined to an undesired marriage to Edgar. In addition to an unshakable friendship, the two share the same purpose in life: the conquest of freedom in the conservative society of Rio de Janeiro of the early 20th century.


Saher Al-Liel

Saher Al-Liel 2010


The role of events in the seventies of the last century, when Kuwait was an example of human and material development and progress. The series deals with several social and humanitarian issues, such as social class, materialism, love of control and equality between men and women, through three families that struggle directly and indirectly among themselves.


ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept.

ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. 2017


"ACCA" is a giant unified syndicate residing in a kingdom split into 13 autonomous regions. ACCA was formed back when there was threat of a coup d'etat, and has continued to protect the peace for almost one hundred years. Jean Otus, vice-chairman of the inspections department at ACCA headquarters, wanders through the 13 districts, checking to see if there is any foul play afoot. His quiet everyday life slowly gets swallowed up into the world's conspiracies!


Capitalism in America: The Cult of Wealth

Capitalism in America: The Cult of Wealth 2023


From the Gilded Age to the present day, the history of modern United States of America has been one of wealth and power concentrated into the hands of a few families with enormous fortunes.