
Titanic 1997


I april 1912 stævner den enorme luksusliner Titanic ud på sin skæbnesvangre jomfrurejse. Ombord forelsker den 17-årige overklassepige Rose sig i den fattige, fandenivoldske Jack, der har vundet sin billet i et spil kort. Ingen af dem aner, at 'skibet der ikke kan synke' har kurs mod katastrofen. James Cameron's episke drama gjorde Leonardo DiCaprio og Kate Winslet til superstjerner og modtog hele 11 Oscars - deriblandt priserne for bedste film og instruktion.


Goliath Awaits

Goliath Awaits 1981


During World War II the passenger liner "Goliath" is sunk by a German submarine. Portions of the ship's hull remain airtight, and some of the passengers and crew survive. Over the decades they build a rigidly regulated society completely isolated from the surface world until, in contemporary times, a diving team begins to explore the wreck.


Reef Wrecks

Reef Wrecks 2016


The ocean floor is home to centuries' worth of sunken vessels integrated into marine habitats. Explore extraordinary wrecks around the world and learn how these artificial structures have become a part of the ecosystem--and in some cases, a vital tool in reversing the effects of human impact.