Small Things Like These 2024
I 1985 opdager den hengivne far Bill Furlong foruroligende hemmeligheder gemt af det lokale kloster og afslører chokerende sandheder om sig selv.
I 1985 opdager den hengivne far Bill Furlong foruroligende hemmeligheder gemt af det lokale kloster og afslører chokerende sandheder om sig selv.
Dirigenten Daniel Daréus nyder stor international succes, men en dag afbryder han brat karrieren og vender hjem til sin barndomsby i det nordlige Sverige. Det varer ikke længe, før det lokale kirkekor beder om gode råd, og Daniel har svært ved at sige nej. Snart er intet længere det samme i den lille by. Koret udvikler sig med stormskridt. Daniel får venner og fjender. Og møder kærligheden.
For kvinderne på en engelsk militærbase føles tiden lang, når mændene er udstationerede. Blandt dem er den afmålte Kate og den sprudlende Lisa, som tager initiativ til at lave et sangkor. Kate elsker flerstemmig sang i et klassisk repertoire, men Lisa vil hellere have fuldt skrald på popnumre. Så da de pludselig får tilbud om at synge i Royal Albert Hall, gælder det om at lægge uenighederne bag sig og finde en fælles melodi.
En ungdomskorleder skal skrive en stor sang til juleaftensshowet, men bliver distraheret, da en dreng med en gylden stemme slutter sig til hendes kor, hvilket vil komme som nyheder for hans enkefar.
Den berømte finansmand og jetsetter Markus Føns er blevet varetægtsfængslet. Efter et brutalt overfald af en gruppe rockere med forbindelser til hans mere lyssky forretninger, vælger Markus at gå i frivillig isolation blandt fængslets svageste indsatte. I denne afdeling findes et fængselskor, hvor den indsatte Niels er uofficiel og selvudnævnt leder. Markus beslutter sig for at blive en del af koret, og der går ikke længe, før han kæmper for at nå pladsen i toppen af hierarkiet. En kamp, der ikke udkæmpes med muskler, men med list, tyranni og højskolesange!
Livet går videre i den lille svenske by Ljusåker, efter deres verdensberømte korleder har forladt dem. Hans livs kærlighed, Lena, er blevet i byen. Efter megen tøven takker hun ja til at tage hånd om musikken i byens mennesketomme kirke. Det bliver startskuddet til en kæde af hændelser, som vækker indbyggernes lyst og længsler - og provokerer byens etablissement.
Fra den lille landsby Berlevåg i det allernordligste Norge, hvor indbyggerne gennem generationer har måttet leve med og af det voldsomme og iskolde Barentshav, kommer denne varme film om et standhaftigt mandskor, der synger, så nordlyset danser. De synger af karsken bælg; med frost i øjenbrynene og istapper hængende fra næsen. En film om mænd, om kærlighed, om politik. Eller fisk. Eller vind og vejr. Men for alle vil det være en film om sammenhold under ekstreme betingelser - om at selv de mest spagfærdige stemmer sammen kan stå mål med naturens rasende elementer. Filmen er Norges svar på »Buena Vista Social Club« og har vundet priser over hele verden.
Experience Christmas with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The annual holiday musical spectacular features new special guests every year.
Wakana Sakai was involved in music, but gave it up one day. Konatsu Miyamoto loves singing and can't be torn from it. Sawa Okita would do anything for her closest friends. They laugh, they fight, they worry, they love... Through their very ordinary lives, little by little the girls learn to move forward. Sometimes they feel as if they can't go on alone, but as long as they have their friends, they believe they'll make it someday. Wakana, Konatsu, Sawa, and the music they make in their ensemble weave a tiny but dazzling story of the power of music.
When former Princeton music professor Arthur Cochran unexpectedly stumbles into choir practice at a small-town church, he finds a group of singers that are out of tune in more ways than one.
Based on Joanna Trollope's novel. Explores the internal politics and scandals of a British cathedral choir school.
Uplifting drama series from the writer of Cutting It about family and community, played out with rousing choruses, joyous harmonies and booming basslines.
Clash of the Choirs is a reality talent contest miniseries that debuted on NBC in the United States on December 17, 2007. There were four episodes scheduled in the “quick competition”. Maria Menounos is the host of the program, which was performed live from Stage One at Steiner Studios in Brooklyn, New York. The format was developed by Friday TV from an idea from the Swedish singer and choir leader Caroline af Ugglas. The format was a multi-city “bragging rights” competition between 20-person choirs assembled in the hometowns of the recording artists that support them. In the 2007 competition, the choirs competed for a cash prize of $250,000, backed in part by Sony Pictures in support of its upcoming movie release, First Sunday. The film, about petty criminals using a choir in a neighborhood church as part of their scheme, was released 11 January 2008, in the United States and Canada and throughout Europe in April 2008. The prize was in the form of a contribution to a charity active in the artist's hometown. The choir led by former 98° singer Nick Lachey won the 2007 competition, which was decided by public vote after four nights of live performances. Patti LaBelle's choir finished second, followed by Blake Shelton's, Michael Bolton's, and Kelly Rowland's. The remaining teams received $50,000 each of donations, courtesy of General Electric, parent company of network owner NBC Universal.
Gareth Malone searches for Britain's most entertaining amateur singing group, in a music contest with a difference - groups must sing a cappella.
Cheer on the kids from the Detroit Youth Choir as they prepare for the performance of a lifetime!
It Takes a Choir follows the dapper and charismatic British sensation Gareth Malone as he travels across the U.S. to unite an unexpected mix of characters through the spellbinding power of music. A true fish out of water, in both his environment and teaching style, Malone finds himself in the craziest situations with some of the biggest characters. Each episode culminates in a unified and powerful public performance from the choir in front of their family, friends and community.
Choirmaster Gareth Malone brings together an array of untrained voices from the world of television, sport and theatre to release the official 2014 BBC Children in Need single.
Choirmaster Gareth Malone forms a choir of wounded ex-armed services personnel to perform at the 2016 Invictus Games in Orlando, Florida.
Choirmaster Gareth Malone takes on his biggest challenge, coaching eight untrained singers to perform Bach’s St John Passion alongside a world-class orchestra and professional choir.