The Truman Show

The Truman Show 1998


Jim Carrey lægger både kritikere og publikum ned som den uvidende Truman Burbank i dette vidunder af en film fra instruktøren Peter Weir (Witness, Dead Poets Society) om en mand, hvis liv er et nonstop TV-show. Truman ved ikke, at hans maleriske hjemby er et gigantisk filmstudie ledet af en fremsynet producer/instruktør/skaber (Ed Harris), at folk, der arbejder og bor der, er Hollywood-skuespillere, og at selv hans evigt glade kone er kontraktskuespiller. Lidt efter lidt bliver Truman klogere. Og hvad han gør med sin opdagelse, vil få dig til at grine, græde og heppe, som kun få filmhistorier nogensinde har gjort.


Galaxy Quest

Galaxy Quest 1999


Engang var Jason Nesmith, Gwen DeMarco og Alexander Duane ordensbetjente i en intergalaktisk patrulje i tv-serien Galaxy Quest. Tyve år senere vises serien stadig på tv, og den bliver opfanget på en planet i et andet solsystem af en folk oprørere, der er ikke ved, at der blot er tale om fiktion. Rumvæsenerne rejser til jorden, og inden de afdankede tv-stjerner ser sig om, er de hyret til en rigtig redningsmission i rummet.


Ricky Stanicky

Ricky Stanicky 2024


Da tre barndoms bedste venner laver en prank, der er gået galt, opfinder de den imaginære Ricky Stanicky for at få dem ud af problemer. Tyve år senere bruger trioen stadig den ikke-eksisterende Ricky som et praktisk alibi for deres umodne adfærd. Men da deres ægtefæller og partnere bliver mistænksomme og forlanger endelig at møde den sagnomspundne Mr. Stanicky, beslutter den skyldige trio at hyre en udvasket skuespiller og en uhyggelig berømthedsimitator for at bringe ham til live.


Skønheden i alting

Skønheden i alting 2016


Den succesfulde reklamechef Howard rammes af en personlig tragedie, da han mister sin elskede datter. Efter tabet forsøger han hårdnakket at lukke alle ude og flygte fra sit tidligere liv i et forsøg på at mindske smerten. Hans venner er desperate for at nå ind til ham, men Howard søger i stedet svar fra universet ved at skrive breve til Kærligheden, Tiden og Døden. Det er først, da Howards breve fører til tre uventede besøg, at han begynder at indse, at selv det største tab kan føre til momenter af skønhed og mening.


Top Five

Top Five 2014


Stand-up komikeren Andre Allen (Rock) er ved at lave presse for sin nye film, Uprize!, et alvorligt drama om revolutionen på Haiti. Det er derfor New York Times journalisten Chelsea Brown (Rosario Dawson) har fået lov til at tilbringe dagen sammen med Allen, men mens han gerne vil snakke om sin nye seriøse film, så vil offentligheden hellere høre om hans forhold til reality stjernen Erica Long (Gabrielle Union) og hans populære filmserie, hvor han spiller en politimand, der også er en talende bjørn.


Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy

Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy 2010


I årtier har Freddy Krueger skåret sig vej gennem drømme af utallige unge, skræmmer op over en halv milliard dollars på box office på tværs af otte skrækindjagende, spektakulære film.



Somewhere 2010


Skuespilleren Johnny Marco bor på det legendariske Chateau Marmont Hotel i Hollywood, kører i Ferrari og har altid en lind strøm af kvinder omkring sig. Uden rigtigt at registrere livet følger Johnny bare med. Men så sker der pludselig det, at hans 11-årige datter Cleo dukker op i hans liv. Cleo er resultatet af et mislykket ægteskab og har aldrig været en del af Johnnys liv, men mødet med Cleo opmuntrer Johnny til at tage ansvar for sit liv og konfrontere det eviggyldige spørgsmål, vi alle står overfor – hvilken vej i livet vælger du?


I Could Never Be Your Woman

I Could Never Be Your Woman 2007


En midaldrende mor (Michelle Pfeifer) til en halvvoksen datter (Saoirse Ronan) har ikke haft megen held i kærlighed på det sidste. Så møder hun en ung fyr (Paul Rudd), og trods aldersforskellen er tiltrækningen gensidig. Efterhånden som forholdet synes at udvikle sig til noget dybere, spekulerer datteren på, om den kildrende, søde fornemmelse, hun selv oplever ved samværet med en dreng fra nabolaget, måske er det, som kaldes "kærlighed".



Val 2021



Variety Studio: Actors on Actors

Variety Studio: Actors on Actors 2014


PBS SoCal and Variety take you inside the biggest movies and TV shows of the past year through candid conversations with today's hottest actors. Hosted by Variety Film Awards Editor Clayton Davis and Variety Chief Correspondent Elizabeth Wagmeister, each episode brings together pairs of actors engaging in intimate one-on-one discussions about their craft and work.


Record of Youth

Record of Youth 2020


In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.



A3! 2020


In Tokyo, there is a place called Velude Way. It is a district notorious for its performers and theatrical groups. Izumi Tachibana, who was previously a stage actress, arrives with a letter that reads, "Full of debt! Zero customers! Only one actor!" It describes the current state of the once-popular theater group Mankai Company. Her task is to rebuild the company to its former glory as the new owner and chief director.


Unexpected Business

Unexpected Business 2021


Set in a small, rural town, the show is about two friends, actors Zo In-sung and Cha Tae-hyun, running a supermarket for 10 days. They not only sell goods, but also operate small restaurant, where they cook and serve dishes. The two actors, who lived their whole lives in the city, experience life in the small town and blend into the neighborhood.


I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama

I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama 2023


Akafuji Yuichiro, a popular and handsome actor, and Aoyagi Hajime, a former popular child actor are chosen to play the double lead roles in the live-action adaptation of an extremely popular BL manga. They start living together in order to prepare for the role and get publicity, but Akafuji's cold attitude toward Aoyagi leads to misunderstandings, even though Akafuji has a deep crush on Aoyagi...



Hollywood 1980


A 1980 documentary series exploring the establishment and development of the Hollywood studios and its impact on 1920s culture.


Gamsung Camping

Gamsung Camping 2020


JTBC's Gamsung Camping, first aired on the 13th of October in Korea, is a real variety show where Park Narae, Ahn Young Mi, Park So Dam, MAMAMOO Solar, and Son Naeun spend a fun camping time visiting different camping grounds in South Korea.



Rehearsals 2020


Two theater writers are forced to work together just when they're going through a breakup in their relationship. They are joined by two egotistical TV stars.


The Informant

The Informant 2020


1950s. Under the communist regime, a struggling actor joins the KGB as an informant to make ends meet. He quickly finds himself caught up in a dangerous web of deceit and treachery.


I want to be a Star

I want to be a Star 2016


Zhong Da Tian owns a calefare agency which engages extras for various drama productions. Today’s shoot involves a military ambush on field. The Assistant Director (AD), Jeremy demands for twenty young lads to show up in three hours’ time. In a scurry, Da Tian rushes to the broadcasting station to get help. Whilst doing so, he chances upon super fan Edgar, who readily agrees to play calefare at the thought of getting closer to his idol. Gao Mei’s friend, Mei Yi turns up on set to meet Gao Mei. Despite her lack of confidence over the birthmark on her face, Mei Yi eventually agrees to help after Gao Mei’s relentless persuasion. Ever since his mother passed on, Da Tian’s son, Di Long spends most of his time unemployed and idling. When he asks for allowance, Da Tian seizes the opportunity to make him one of his talents. Thereon, this group of extras set foot on their acting journey, where the struggles of being a calefare await.


Bring the Drama

Bring the Drama 2024


Every performance counts. Bill Bailey champions aspiring actors from all walks of life. Will their raw talent and mentoring from top names in TV drama help with their big break?


Kissing In The Rain

Kissing In The Rain 2014


Two sets of actors re-enact the most romantic kisses in history from the 1600s through the 1960s, all while grappling with their off-camera feelings between takes.