Nøgleord Monopoly
Renaissance 2006
The Mutilator 1985
Chisum 1970
Kvægopdrætteren John Chisum har været med til at forme landet i konstant kamp med naturen, da rigmanden Murphy beslutter sig for at blive egnens store jordbesidder. Murphy har byens sherif i sin lomme, og nu vil han eje Chisum's ranch.
Captain Ron 1992
Familien Harvey arver en lystbåd, som er særlig værdifuld, fordi den engang har tilhørt filmstjernen Clark Gable. Men Martin Harvey kan ikke selv sejle båden fra Caribien til Miami, hvor den skal vurderes. Det kræver en rigtig skipper - og desværre viser den enøjede kaptajn Ron sig at være noget af en plattenslager, som hurtigt sender familien og båden på afveje.
The King of Marvin Gardens 1972
David Staebler er en kendt radiovært fra Philadelphia, som har sit eget show. Hans bror, Jason, bor i Atlantic City og gør tjenester for den lokale Mafia. Han er en uforbederlig drømmer, og en dag beder han David om at være med i et "ufejlbarligt" projekt, der skal gøre dem begge rige. Men heldet er ikke med dem, og spillet ender galt. Bob Rafelson (Five Easy Pieces) har instrueret, og Jack Nicholson og Bruce Dern spiller de to brødre.
Monopol 1996
The Match King 1932
Juke Girl 1942
Poor Tax 2023
Monopoly 1970
What's Wrong With Secretary Kim 2024
A competent secretary and a narcissistic boss fall in love while uncovering a traumatic past that causes them to question whether their feelings are real or the result of a shared trauma.
Meta Exposed: Secrets From Inside The Tech Giant 2024
Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg to 'connect the world', now many believe parent company Meta is ruining the world through its apps including Instagram. Is that just moral panic or is there a real threat to us and our children? In this series we’ll reveal the real motivations and methods of the tech giant from insiders, whistleblowers, and researchers. We'll also provide tips to keep children safe.
Télévision (histoires secrètes) 1996
The behind-the-scenes story of French television… This documentary unveils the lesser-known history of two audiovisual decades that have shaped today's television. To explain from the break up of the French broadcasting service ORTF, in 1974, to the creation of Arte, via the birth of Canal+, the life and death of La Cinq and the privatization of TF1 — the succession of political, economic and cultural decisions that have shaped what is known as the “PAF” (French Audiovisual Landscape).