National Treasure: Book of Secrets

National Treasure: Book of Secrets 2007


Den handlekraftige skattejæger og arkæolog Ben Franklin Gates har en dårlig dag, da han opdager, at hans familie muligvis har været indblandet i snigmordet på Abraham Lincoln. For at rense sin families navn må Gates findes nogle forsvundne sider af en ældgammel dagbog, og hvis han så samtidig også lige kunne afsløre en verdensomspændende sammensværgelse, ville det være rigtig godt.


No Escape Room

No Escape Room 2018


Når en escape room-attraktion forvandles fra en sjov bonding-aktivitet til en farlig paranormal oplevelse, må en far og datter flygte fra en vred ånd.


Crime Scene Kitchen

Crime Scene Kitchen 2021


A culinary guessing game in which bakers are tasked with decoding what type of dessert was made when all that’s left are the crumbs, flour trails, and a few elusive clues. They must then recreate the recipe for celebrity judges who will determine how closely their sweet treat matches the missing dessert.


Caught in the Net

Caught in the Net 2022


Gripping true stories of investigators entering the digital world to solve a brutal murder. In each case, detectives are up against a lack of physical clues, but digital trails left behind help lead them to the killers.