A Cure for Wellness

A Cure for Wellness 2017


Den unge Lockhart får til opgave at bringe sit firmas direktør hjem fra et fjerntliggende, gådefuldt kursted i de schweiziske alper. Da han begynder at efterforske kurstedets hemmeligheder, får han mistanke om, at stedets såkaldte mirakelkur tværtimod gør gæsterne sygere. Snart bliver Lockhart selv diagnosticeret med den sære sygdom, som gæsterne lider af, og langsomt begynder han at miste sit greb om virkeligheden.


Thank You for Smoking

Thank You for Smoking 2005


Nick Naylor (en uhyggeligt overbevisende Aaron Eckhart) er en charmerende debattør. Så god at han elegant tryner anti-rygerne live på prime time TV - selvom de stiller op med en døende, tobaks-kræftsyg teenager. Nick har nemlig valgt at bruge sine verbale trylleevner som talsmand for tobaksindustrien (regningerne skal jo betales, som han selv udtrykker det). Rigtigt/forkert betyder ingenting. Det drejer sig udelukkende om at vinde diskussionen. Men da en veldrejet kvindelig journalist (Katie Holmes) - med endnu mindre moral end Nick selv - fanger ham med bukserne nede, og lader ham smage på lidt af hans egen smagløse medicin, begynder Nick at overveje, om det nu også for enhver pris er værd at få ret..?


Super Size Me

Super Size Me 2004


”Det er en virkelig god, dårlig ide” var Scott Ambrozys kommentar til instruktøren Morgan Spurlock, da han præsenterede sin ven og producer for den idé, der siden skulle blive til dette vanvittige eksperiment af en dokumentarfilm.Da Morgan hørte om to unge pigers sagsanlæg mod fast-food kæden McDonald’s – og samtidig kunne følge de stigende overvægtsproblemer i USA, syntes han pludselig, at der var noget, der ikke hang sammen. For at finde ud af om det er manden eller maden, der har magten i det amerikanske samfund, satte han sig derfor for at dokumentere følgende kamikaze-projekt: I 30 dage lever han udelukkende af måltider fra McDonald’s under visse regler, som han selv opstiller. Han skal bl.a. altid svare ’ja’ til spørgsmålet, om han ønsker en ’supersize’ menu!



Heal 2017




Unrest 2017


I denne hjerteskærende dokumentar vender en 28-årig ph.d.-studerende kameraet mod sig selv og filmer sin kamp med kronisk træthedssyndrom.


Forført af sukker

Forført af sukker 2015


Antallet af mennesker med svær overvægt, sukkersyge og hjertesygdomme stiger, og læger kan berette om den første generation af børn med fedtlever. Men hvordan er det lykkedes fødevareindustrien at få os til at holde op med at sætte spørgsmålstegn ved sukkerets skadevirkninger på vores helbred? Er sukker i virkeligheden giftigt? Og har fødevareindustrien brugt den samme taktik som tobaksindustrien: I skal bare spise mindre af det.


Shortland Street

Shortland Street 1992


The lives and loves of the residents of Ferndale.


Embarrassing Bodies

Embarrassing Bodies 2007


Embarrassing Bodies is a British television programme broadcast by Channel 4 and made by Maverick Television since 2007. In 2011, an hour long live show was introduced, "Embarrassing Bodies: Live from the Clinic", which makes use of Skype technology. Various spin-offs have been produced in relation to the programme to target different patients, such as Embarrassing Fat Bodies and Embarrassing Teenage Bodies. The show has a strong multiplatform presence on web and mobile.


Healin' Good Precure

Healin' Good Precure 2020


The Healing Garden, a secret world that has provided treatment to heal the Earth, is under attack by the Byougenzu, who plan to infect Earth with an illness, putting it in great danger! To solve this crisis, the three medical trainees of Earth, known as the Healing Animals, along with Latte, who holds a special power as the Princess of the Healing Garden, escape in search of their partners! Three ordinary girls come across the group by chance, and together, they transform into Pretty Cure and take on the Byougenzu!


Celebrity Fit Club UK

Celebrity Fit Club UK 2002


Celebrity Fit Club is a reality television series that follows eight overweight celebrities as they try to lose weight for charity. Split into two competing teams of four, each week teams are given different physical challenges, and weighed to see if they reached their target weights. They are monitored and supervised by a team that includes a nutritionist, a psychologist, and a physical trainer, the latter of which is former U.S. Marine Harvey Walden IV.



Hospital 2017


The story of the NHS in unprecedented times.


A Very Peculiar Practice

A Very Peculiar Practice 1986


A young and idealistic Doctor Stephen Daker arrives at Lowlands University to work at the Health Centre, but has to cope with an eccentric set of colleagues.


Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

Trust Me, I'm a Doctor 2013


Science journalist and qualified doctor Michael Mosley along with a team of doctors investigate health issues and provide definitive answers.


Farmed and Dangerous

Farmed and Dangerous 2014


Farmed and Dangerous is a four-part webisode comedy series from Chipotle Mexican Grill. This series is a satire of "Big Ag" and "Big Food" practices, featuring the fictional megacorporation Animoil feeding cows petropellets, which are made from petroleum directly rather than indirectly, from the corn and soybean that require so much petroleum products to grow (nitrogen fertilizer is made from the nitrogen present in the air and hydrogen present in natural gas from fracking).


The Bad Skin Clinic

The Bad Skin Clinic 2019


Dr Emma Craythorne and her team of experts are on a mission to solve complex skin conditions. They help people whose lives have been impeded by devastating disorders and they hope Emma and their team have the solution.


Easy Ways to Live Well

Easy Ways to Live Well 2020


Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and Steph McGovern reveal the easy life fixes we can all use to dramatically improve our diet, fitness and mental well-being.


The Checkup with Dr. David Agus

The Checkup with Dr. David Agus 2022


A-list celebrities share their personal health issues in a series of intimate conversations with Dr. David Agus, a world-renowned medical authority and cancer specialist. With their deeply honest and thoughtful conversations serving as the narrative spine of the show, Dr. Agus will take viewers on an eye-opening and inspirational journey that sheds new light on the most important medical topics from today’s headlines. Full of personal revelations, cutting-edge breakthroughs, game-changing technologies and accessible take-aways, The Checkup with Dr. David Agus will not only change lives, it will save lives.


Food Detectives

Food Detectives 2016


Scientist Prof Alice Roberts, chef Tom Kerridge and journalist Sean Fletcher are keen to improve your cooking, your health and your bank balance by dishing up the plain facts about our food.


Jules and Greg's Wild Swim

Jules and Greg's Wild Swim 2024


The couple that swims together, stays together. Comics Julie Wilson Nimmo and Greg Hemphill take the plunge at Scotland's breathtaking and beautiful wild swimming spots.


Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution 2010


Jamie Oliver is here to start a revolution. The impassioned chef takes on obesity, heart disease and diabetes in the United States, where its children are the first generation not expected to live as long as their parents.



Wellmania 2023


When a health crisis forces Liv to rethink her “live fast, die young” attitude, she jumps into a wellness journey to get better — even if it kills her.



Afflicted 2018


Baffling symptoms. Controversial diagnoses. Costly treatments. Seven people with chronic illnesses search for answers -- and relief.


Unsafe Sex in the City

Unsafe Sex in the City 2012


An eye-opening insight into what sexual health staff deal with on a daily basis.