Bless the Child

Bless the Child 2000


Sygeplejersken Maggie O'Connors rutinemæssige liv får en uventet drejning, da hendes søster Jenna pludselig dukker op med en nyfødt, autistisk baby ved navn Cody, som hun beder Maggie om at tage sig af. Hurtigt bliver Cody den datter, som Maggie altid har ønsket sig. Men seks år senere bortfører Jenna pludselig barnet sammen med sin mystiske mand. Snart viser det sig, at Cody har nogle helt særlige evner. Og at hun er født samme dag som en række andre forsvundne børn...


Things We Lost in the Fire

Things We Lost in the Fire 2007


Da Audrey Burkes mand bliver dræbt går hun helt i sort af sorg. En af mandens ældste venner, Jerry Sunborne, er narkoman og har mistet alt. Audrey og Jerry indleder et venskab og efter nogen tid tilbyder Audrey Jerry at han kan flytte ind og bo sammen resten af hendes familien. Det giver dem begge en mulighed for at de endelig kan lægge den dystre fortid bag sig


Time of the Cobbler

Time of the Cobbler 1998


The events revolve around the Wali of Justice Stan (Abu Shuja), the just governor who handles the affairs of a state that has lived in the shadow of his justice and generosity of morals for a long time. Illegal Profit draws up a plan to remove the governor and the Minister of Cheb (Badran)


Celebrity Substitute

Celebrity Substitute 2024


Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh lead acting class. Jordan Chiles fills in for the gym teacher. LISA forms her own dance group. They’re the best in the world at what they do—but teaching elementary school kids how to do it? Harder than it looks. And funny and adorable… but thank goodness the real teacher’s back in charge tomorrow. Hosted by Julian Shapiro-Barnum (Recess Therapy), Celebrity Substitute asks our favorite stars to swap limos for lesson plans and spend a day with an amazing class of public school kids. And, thanks to Amazon, every episode has a few other surprises in store… Most of all, Celebrity Substitute reminds us to give teachers their flowers. Because substituting for a day is one thing. The ones who do it full time? Absolute heroes. Celebrity Substitute is the ultimate feel-good series that celebrates the importance of education and the power of connection—whether you’re selling out Madison Square Garden or singing backup in your first grade choir.