Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim 2013


Storbyer verden over plages af monstrøse kaiju-uhyrer, der vader op af havet og smadrer alt. Monstrene har længe været holdt i skak af gigantrobotter, de såkaldte Jaegere, som hver styres af to mentalt forbundne piloter. Men menneskeheden er ved at tabe kampen. Deres sidste håb er den uglesete Raleigh og den uprøvede Mako, som viser sig at være en kampdygtig duo, når de sammen bemander en gammel Jaeger.


Flags of Our Fathers

Flags of Our Fathers 2006


Februar 1945. Selv om sejren i Europa er tæt på, fortsætter krigen i Stillehavet. Ét af de mest blodige slag i krigen blev kampen om øen Iwo Jima, der kulminerede i det der for eftertiden blev det mest kendte krigsbillede i historien: Fem marinesoldater og en sygepasser, der sammen hjælpes ad med at hejse det amerikanske flag på Mount Suribachi. Det inspirerende foto blev et symbol på sejr for nationen, og de seks amerikanske mænd blev med det samme helte. Nogle af dem døde hurtigt efter flaget blev hejst, og nåede dermed aldrig at opfatte, at de var blevet udødeliggjorte af billedet. Men ingen af de overlevende mænd, der rejste flaget, var interesserede i at blive symboler eller helte. De ville bare kæmpe sammen med deres kammerater – de soldater, der kæmpede og døde uden fanfare eller hæder.



Kon-Tiki 2012


I 1947 besættes den norske videnskabsmand Thor Heyerdahl af tanken om, at øriget Polynesien blev befolket via både fra Peru. For at bevise teorien bygger han en flåde på gammeldags manér, så han kan gøre peruvianerne den 8000 km lange tur efter. Sammen med fem venner og en papegøje stævner Heyerdahl ud på en eventyrlig færd, hvor uvejr, hajer og nagende tvivl plager den lille besætning.



Abandoned 2015


I 1989 sej­ler tri­ma­ra­nen Rose-No­el­le ud fra Pi­cton i New Ze­aland med kurs mod øgrup­pen Ton­ga med fire mænd om bord. Da en vold­som bøl­ge ven­der bun­den i vej­ret på bå­den, en­der den lil­le be­sæt­ning uden mad, vand og funk­tions­dyg­tigt ma­ski­nel. Der iværk­sæt­tes en ef­ter­søg­ning inde fra land, men kan be­sæt­nin­gen over­le­ve fa­rer­ne på det åbne hav - og hin­an­den - læn­ge nok?


Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa Baa Black Sheep 1976


The dramatized World War II adventures of US Major Gregory "Pappy" Boyington and his Marine Attack Squadron 214, AKA The Black Sheep Squadron.


The Narrow Road to the Deep North

The Narrow Road to the Deep North 2025


Burma Railway in 1943 and across the Pacific during World War II, charts the cruelty of war, the tenuousness of life and the impossibility of love, as seen through the eyes of an Australian doctor and prisoner of war.


The Pacific: In The Wake of Captain Cook

The Pacific: In The Wake of Captain Cook 2018


History is taking to the seas and walking in the footsteps of Captain James Cook. 250 years after Cook began his epic exploration of the Pacific, Sam Neill (Jurassic Park, The Piano) journeys in his wake uncovering stories that resonate from those times on both sides of the beach. Sam begins with a disclaimer – he is merely an actor – but the story of Cook, and the impact he has had on the Pacific in the 250 years since his first voyage, has always fascinated him.


South Pacific

South Pacific 2009


South Pacific is a British nature documentary series from the BBC Natural History Unit, which began airing on BBC Two on 10 May 2009. The six-part series surveys the natural history of the islands of the South Pacific region, including many of the coral atolls and New Zealand. It was filmed entirely in high-definition. South Pacific was co-produced by the Discovery Channel and the series producer was Huw Cordey. It is narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch. Filming took place over 18 months in a variety of remote locations around the Pacific including: Anuta, Banks Islands, French Frigate Shoals, Papua New Guinea, Palmyra, Kingman Reef, Tuvalu, Palau, Caroline Islands, Tuamotus and Tanna Island in Vanuatu. On 6 May 2009, BBC Worldwide released a short clip of big wave surfer Dylan Longbottom surfing in slow motion, high-definition footage as a preview of the series, attracting extremely positive reactions on the video sharing website YouTube. The series was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on 15 June 2009. At the end of each fifty-minute episode, a ten-minute featurette takes a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges of filming the series. The series was released by Discovery International in the USA under the title Wild Pacific, with narration provided by Mike Rowe.


Journeys into the Ring of Fire

Journeys into the Ring of Fire 2006


Touring the perilous and spectacular landscape of the Pacific Rim to discover how the rocks beneath our feet have shaped human history.


WWII in the Pacific

WWII in the Pacific 2015


WWII in the Pacific focuses on the events, notable figures, various bands of brothers, and heroic actions of the Allied powers. Take an inside look, starting with the conflict and tensions leading up to the war, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the evolution of the Pacific Theater, and the development and dropping of the atomic bomb, up until the subsequent end of WWII.


War in the Pacific - Eagle Against the Sun

War in the Pacific - Eagle Against the Sun 2015


Dive into the War in the Pacific like never before with this 10-part series chronicling the fight from prior to Pearl Harbor up until the last bomb was dropped. Featuring combat footage and interviews with veterans from both sides, learn about their experiences and perspectives from America's war with Japan as 2015 recognizes the 70th Anniversary of V-J Day.


Equator from the Air

Equator from the Air 2019


In a defining moment for the natural world, Gordon Buchanan makes an epic journey round the equator - taking to the skies with experts racing to protect both wildlife and people.


Breaking Bread

Breaking Bread 2021


Breaking Bread is an anthology series set in the greater western Sydney.