The Lincoln Lawyer

The Lincoln Lawyer 2011


I 'The Lincoln Lawyer' spiller Matthew McConaughey forsvarsadvokaten Mickey Haller, der klarer forretningen fra bagsædet af sin Lincoln Continental. Haller har brugt det meste af sin karriere på at forsvare almindelige forbrydere, indtil han får sit livs sag. Han skal forsvare en playboy fra Beverly Hills, som er anklaget for mord. Den tilsyneladende enkle sag tager dog en pludselig dramatisk drejning, der kan bliver livsfarlig for Haller.



Juryen 2003


Den idealistiske Wendell Rohr er advokat for en ung enke, der har sagsøgt en magtfuld våbenfabrikant. Den kyniske Rankin Fitch er juridisk rådgiver for fabrikanten. Han bruger alle tænkelige midler for at få sammensat den rette jury - nemlig en jury, der vil frikende hans klient. Men i en højeksplosiv sag med millioner af dollars på spil er Fitch og Rohr ikke de eneste, der forsøger at påvirke rettens gang.



Hermelinen 2015


I det franske drama ’Hermelinen’ sidder dommeren Xavier Racine trygt på sin plads i kriminalretten. Her er han berygtet som manden, der aldrig udstikker domme på under 10 år. Racine har fuld kontrol over sit liv og virke, lige indtil den dag han tilfældigt udvælger Ditte som jury-medlem. De to har en fortid med hinanden, og dommerens regelrettede tilværelse tager en uventet drejning i takt med retssagens udvikling. ’Hermelinen’ er instrueret af manden bag bl.a. Bon appétit hr. præsident, og den betydningsfulde kvinde i juryen spilles af Sidse Babett Knudsen, der blev belønnet med den franske filmpris César for sin præstation.



12 2007




Bull 2016


Dr. Jason Bull is the brilliant, brash, and charming founder of a hugely successful trial consulting firm.


Law & Order: Trial by Jury

Law & Order: Trial by Jury 2005


The inner workings of the judicial system, beginning with the arraignment, and continuing through the prosecutors' complicated process of building a case, investigating leads and preparing witnesses for trial.



Sequestered 2014


A jury is sequestered in a hotel while deliberating a court case with massive implications.


The Jury

The Jury 2004


Set in New York City, the series brings the viewer into the jury room to watch the deliberators try to answer the many questions posed during a trial. As facts are exposed through flashbacks of testimony and crime footage, viewers will form their own opinions about the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Following each verdict, a final flashback will let viewers see the crime as it actually happened and reveal whether or not the jury made the right decision.


Jeanne's Judgment

Jeanne's Judgment 2024


Sanpuu Minami is a popular shojo manga artist who is believed by many to be a woman. In actuality, though, his real identity is Eichizen Gotaro, a single father with two children. One day, he receives a notification from the court that he has been appointed as a prosecutor's office examiner. With the deadline for his manga approaching, he requests a withdrawal but this is declined due to a lack of special circumstances. He joins 11 other people randomly selected from ordinary Japanese citizens, who each have unique personalities and give off the impression that they would like to get this over and done with. At first, Gotaro has a negative attitude towards the Prosecution Review Board, but as he gets closer to the thoughts of those behind the case, he starts to appreciate how important this job is.