Saving Private Ryan

Saving Private Ryan 1998


Efter den allierede landgang i Normandiet i juni 1944 modtager en amerikansk mor på én gang tre kondolencebreve, for tre af hendes sønner har mistet livet på de fjerne slagmarker. Hendes fjerde søn, James Ryan, der er faldskærmssoldat, er muligvis stadig i live, et sted i Normandiet, og i den øverste militærledelse besluttes det, at Ryan skal fritages for tjeneste for at kunne rejse hjem til sin mor. Kaptajn John Miller får til opgave at finde Ryan, og med sig på den farlige mission i fjendeland får han en broget flok af hårdføre soldater, anført af den temperamentsfulde menig Reiben. Steven Spielbergs storfilm modtog hele fem Oscar-statuetter.



Overlord 2018


Anden Verdenskrig. Amerikanske faldskærmstropper bliver kastet ned bag fjendens linjer for at ødelægge en nazistisk radiosender. I en lille landsby opdager de amerikanske soldater at nazisterne - ledet af den onde dr. Wafner - laver uhyggelige 'super soldat'-eksperimenter. Snart er faldskærmssoldaterne i kamp mod en skummel zombiehær.


Den længste dag

Den længste dag 1962


Den 6. juni 1944 er D-dag - dagen, hvor de allierede styrker går i land på Normandiets kyst i det tyskbesatte Nordfrankrig. Det bliver et døgn, der får afgørende betydning for udfaldet af 2. verdenskrig.



Churchill 2017


96 timer før invasionen af Normandiet, under anden verdenskrig, kæmper den britiske premierminister Winston Churchill med sine alvorlige forbehold med Operation Overlord og hans stadig mere marginaliserede rolle i krigsindsatsen.


Hemmelig agent

Hemmelig agent 2008


Fem kvindelige agenter lander med faldskærm i det besatte Frankrig. Deres opgave går ud på for enhver pris at sikre de allieredes planer om en landgang i Normandiet – D-dagen. De skal infiltrere det tyske efterretningsvæsen og likvidere spionchefen. Storfilmen Female Agents er en actionfyldt spionthriller i krigsmiljø, men også en storslået hyldest til de mange modige kvinder, der med fare for deres liv opererede bag fjendelinjen. Filmen er baseret på autentiske beretninger fra medlemmer i modstandsbevægelsen.


Patton - pansergeneralen

Patton - pansergeneralen 1970


Under 2. verdenskrig viser den amerikanske general Patton sig som en af krigens mest bemærkelsesværdige skikkelser. En usædvanlig soldat, hvis evner er fremragende, men hvis temperament ikke altid lader sig tøjle under de allieredes felttog i Nordafrika og op gennem Europa.


Den barske elite

Den barske elite 1980


En hårdkogt sergent, der har gjort tjeneste i 1. verdenskrig, leder den amerikanske hærs første infanteri under 2. verdenskrig. Gennem en række kampe rykker delingen frem fra Nordafrika og op igennem Europa. Undervejs udfordres soldaternes moral af de ting, de oplever. Blandt andet rystes den menige Griff i sin grundvold ved mødet med en koncentrationslejr.


Nålens øje

Nålens øje 1981


Under 2. verdenskrig arbejder Faber i den britiske hær. Men i virkeligheden er han tysk spion, og han holder sig ikke tilbage fra at dræbe, hvis nogen kommer i vejen for hans planer eller bliver en trussel for hans dobbeltspil.


Du kan ikke købe min kærlighed

Du kan ikke købe min kærlighed 1964


Under opbygningen af den store invasion, D-dagen i 1944, er England vært for mange tusinde amerikanske soldater. En af dem er løjtnant Charlie Madison (James Garner), som ved alt om, hvordan man gør livet så behageligt og risikofrit som muligt. Men tingene kompliceres, da han falder for engelske Emily Barham (Julie Andrews), og værre bliver det, da hans overordnede får et nervøst sammenbrud, som betyder, at Charlie sendes på en nytteløs og farlig mission.


Murder Company

Murder Company 2024


Midt i D-Day-invasionen får en gruppe amerikanske soldater ordre til at smugle et medlem af den franske modstandsbevægelse bag fjendens linjer for at myrde et nazistisk mål af høj værdi.


D-Day Sacrifice

D-Day Sacrifice 2014


Comprised entirely of re-mastered and colorised archive footage from World War II, much of it never before seen, Sacrifice recounts the story of D-Day through the testimonies of those who lived it. These important historical days are seen through the eyes of French civilians and members of the military fighting on both sides. The testimonies of famous individuals like Dwight D. Eisenhower and Erwin Rommel are intertwined with those of anonymous soldiers and citizens, such as film director Samuel Fuller and Eisenhower's chauffeur, Kay Summersby. From the preparations for D-Day all the way through to the liberation of Paris, the accounts of these men and women provide a moving and invaluable retelling of this pivotal time in history.


Apocalypse: D-Day

Apocalypse: D-Day 2024


6 June 1944. A titanic fleet launched an assault on the beaches of Normandy. Objective: to liberate Europe from Hitler's yoke. Drawing on the lessons learned from the Dieppe raid in August 1942, the mission was a spectacular success.


The D-Day Tapes

The D-Day Tapes 2024


The story of the biggest seaborne invasion in history, told using a treasure trove of rare and previously unheard recordings of those who lived through it, lip-synched by actors.


The Plane that Led D-Day

The Plane that Led D-Day 2019


On the night of 5th June, 1944, a C-47 paratrooper aircraft, nicknamed "That’s All, Brother" took off from England, heading in the early hours of June 6th, to drop Allied fighting men into Normandy. A chance discovery in 2015 led a scramble to save the aircraft, after standing for decades forgotten in a scrapyard. This UK premiere traces the story of an American icon, it’s reconstruction and hazardous Transatlantic mission to honour America’s fallen in Europe.


D-Day: The Last Heroes

D-Day: The Last Heroes 2013


Dan Snow examines how the Allied Forces planned and executed the D-Day landings, as surviving veterans tell the story of one of the most dramatic military operations in history.


Das Reich: Hitler's Death Squads

Das Reich: Hitler's Death Squads 2015


D-Day, June 6th, 1944. As the Allies storm the beaches of Normandy, Hitler orders the return of the Das Reich, the infamous Panzer elite division known for its mass murders in Ukraine and Belarus, based at that time in southwest of France. Its mission: to push the Allies back into the Atlantic and turn the tide of the conflict in favor of the Nazi Germany.


D-Day: Lost Films

D-Day: Lost Films 2014


THE PERSONAL STORIES FROM THE BATTLE THAT CHANGED THE COURSE OF THE WORLD. In the spirit of LOST FILMS: WORLD WAR II and LOST FILMS: VIETNAM, this 2-part special event features the most critical military operation of World War II. D-DAY: LOST FILMS presents this iconic battle using newly discovered colour footage, much of which has never been seen. For the first time, viewers can see the largest amphibious assault in history entirely in newly transferred colour HD - 5,000 Allied ships landing over 160,000 soldiers across a 50 mile stretch of Normandy beaches. D-DAY: LOST FILMS presents this world-changing week through the personal accounts of soldiers on both sides, focusing on three specific units: the American 1st Division at Omaha Beach, the American 507th Paratroopers, and the German 352nd Division. Allied and German survivors give their first-hand stories on the war that changed the course of the world. The long held belief that an Allied victory was secured after a single, bloody day will be dispelled. And the final death toll far exceeds anything seen on the beaches. D-Day remains one of the most important turning points of WWII, yet very few of us know the real story...until now.


Attack on Fortress Europe: From D-Day to V.E. Day

Attack on Fortress Europe: From D-Day to V.E. Day 2003


Hitler had proclaimed that Nazi conquered Europe was an impenetrable fortress. On the 6th of June 1944, the Allies launched the largest combined land, air and sea operation ever. This invasion, designed to begin the liberation of Europe, would forever be known as D-Day. The years leading up to 1944 had seen total domination of Europe by Nazi Germany. Despite the entry of America into WWII, strategic bombing, the invasions of North Africa and Italy, Germany remained in control and was able to strength its coastal defenses, The Atlantic Wall, in preparation for the inevitable Allied invasion. Operation Overlord was the Allied plan to defeat those defenses and open a Western Front. The hard lessons learned at Anzio, Dieppe and Salerno were about to be brought into focus with the greatest invasion the world had ever seen. But how had the Allies come to this point? Who were the personalities and what compromises were made to forge this great alliance?


Crucial Turning Points of World War II

Crucial Turning Points of World War II 1997


Fifteen critical battles that changed the outcome of a world at war and altered our destinies—forever! Now, from the vantage point of 50 years after, from files opened for the first time, from action films and battle footage never seen on video before, watch the course of history change.


World War II: Battlefield Europe

World War II: Battlefield Europe 2020


Designed in partnership with HISTORY and using a distinctly European perspective, this series offers a fresh lens through which to study the European Theater’s major battles, larger-than-life personalities, twists of fate, and tales of intrigue. You’ll uncover the strategic decisions behind Operation Barbarossa, D-Day, the Battle of the Bulge, the invasion of Italy, the fall of Berlin, and more.


WWII Frontlines

WWII Frontlines 2021


This series takes viewers deep into the heart of battle, to reveal the critical turning points in some of WWII's most decisive confrontations.