
Rango 2011


Rango, en kamæleon i identitetskrise, har aldrig været uden for sit terrarium, før han falder ud af sin ejers bil under en køretur gennem Mojaveørkenen. Her finder han flækken med det sigende navn Støv, hvor der er noget ravruskende galt med vandforsyningen. Rango påtager sig ønskerollen som byens sherif. Han erfarer dog snart, at der er stor forskel på at spille helt og så rent faktisk at være det.


Kiss the Ground

Kiss the Ground 2020


Videnskabsfolk og kendisaktivister ser nærmere på, hvordan planetens jordbund kan være nøglen til at bekæmpe klimaforandringer og bevare planeten.


Flint Town

Flint Town 2018


Over a two-year period, filmmakers embedded with cops in Flint, Michigan, reveal a department grappling with volatile issues in untenable conditions.


Paul Whitehouse: Our Troubled Rivers

Paul Whitehouse: Our Troubled Rivers 2023


Paul Whitehouse travels around England and Wales looking at the pressures affecting our rivers and waterways from water companies, intensive agriculture and growing population. Paul explores what is going on beneath the surface, why our rivers and waterways are in decline and what needs to be done to protect them.


H2O: The Molecule that Made Us

H2O: The Molecule that Made Us 2020


A landmark, three-part series that tells the human story through our relationship to water. We find out how our success is intimately connected to our control of the molecule, but that the growth of our civilizations has also created a dangerous dependence on a precious resource. One that may be about to run out.