The Secret Sense

The Secret Sense 1999


Tom Witzky er en arbejder, familiemand og den mest almindelige fyr i verden... som vil opleve et farligt møde med en anden verden. Og det er lige meget, at Tom ikke tror på det overnaturlige. For noget overnaturligt er begyndt at tro på Tom. Efter Tom er blevet hypnotiseret til en fest i kvarteret ændrer han sig. Han ser ting, han ikke kan forklare, og han hører stemmer, han ikke kan ignorere. Da de forfærdelige syner intensiveres, indser Tom, at de er brikker i et puslespil, ekkoer af en forbrydelse, der vil opklares. Men da hans overnaturlige mareridt begynder at gå i opfyldelse, vil Tom skille sig af med det. Han forsøger desperat at fjerne sine mystiske, uønskede evner - blot for at blive grebet af en uimodståelig trang til at grave dybere i mysteriet, der fortærer hans liv. Da han endelig afdækker sandheden, vil den trække ham ind i en hævngerrigs ånds begravede hemmelighed om en grufuld forbrydelse... og den dødelige pris for at begrave ånden.



Push 2009


Nogle mennesker kan fl ytte ting med tankerne. Andre kan se fremtiden. Enkelte kan trænge ind i din hjerne. I årevis har tophemmelige organisationer forsøgt at skabe menneskelige våben af folk med overnaturlige evner. Nu er det uhyggeligt tæt på at lykkes! Glæd dig til en overnaturligt spændende actionthriller! Chris Evans fra ”Fantastic Four” og Dakota Fanning fra ”War of the Worlds” spiller hovedrollerne som to tilsyneladende almindelige mennesker – hvis særlige evner har bragt dem i yderste livsfare!


Red Lights

Red Lights 2012


Tom Buckley forsker i det uforklarlige, og han lever af at afsløre spirituelle fupmagere og synsk svindlere. Da den legendariske Simon Silver efter 30 år vender tilbage til rampelyset som celeber clairvoyant, bliver tom besat af at rive tæppet væk under ham. Hans ældre kolleger forsøger at advare ham, men da er det allerede for sent. Tom har indledt et livsfarlig kamp mod en uovervindelig fjende!



Pulp 1972



Månen over Carolina

Månen over Carolina 2007


Claire Forlani, Oliver Hudson og Jaqueline Bisset spiller hovedrollerne i denne thriller om en kvinde, der vender hjem til sin fødeby for at komme til tåls med sin foruroligende fortid. Tory var godt klar over, at det ikke ville være nemt at vende hjem - heller ikke hvis hun ikke var begavet med overnaturlige evner. Hun vidste, at når hun begyndte at rode i fortiden, ville hun blive tvunget til at genopleve de grusomme billeder, hun så for sit indre blik for så mange år tidligere, da hendes bardomsveninde Hope blev brutalt myrdet. Som om det ikke var nok, opdager Tory hurtigt, at Hopes død kun var det første af en lang række mord i løbet af de år, der er gået siden den frygtelige dag. Det værste er, at at en sindssyg morder tålmodigt har ventet på, at Tory skulle vende tilbage. Nu har hun kun to muligheder - at bruge sine overnaturlige evner til at fange morderen, eller at blive hans næste offer!



Glasslip 2014


What if you hold the power to hear the voices or see fragments of images from the future? Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? Glasslip follows the life of Touko Fukami, an aspiring glass artist born from a glass artisan family. She enjoys her worry-free life in Fukui, save for the fragments of images that she sees on occasion. On her 18th summer, she meets the transfer student Kakeru Okikura at her school, and then again at her favorite café called Kazemichi together with all four of her friends. The voices from the future lead Kakeru to Touko, and his arrival disrupts her mediocre existence. All six of the friends must face their most unforgettable summer full of hope, affection, and heartache.



ThunderCats 1985


The inhabitants of the planet Thundera evacuate just before it is destroyed. They were pursued by a band of mutants. All but one of their escape ships was destroyed. Only a small group of Thunderans (Thundercats) remained. With only half engine power, the group, which was led by Jaga, had to set a course for the nearest planet. Jaga commanded their ship while the other seven were in their stasis tubes. Jaga died on their journey to Third Earth and their ship crashed there. Soon they made friends with various groups in the area and they designed a fortress. Mumm-Ra the centuries-old embodiment of evil, along with the mutants that destroyed the rest of the Thunderans are a constant threat. But Lion-O, the new leader of the Thundercats, with his weapon the "Sword of Omens" will help the Thundercats to have a standing chance.


Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead

Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead 2006


Her spiky hair and outgoing manner may make her look more like a top 40 vocalist than a clairvoyant, but vivacious Lisa Williams has known since childhood that she is able to communicate with the dead, a gift that has garnered her a long list of clients both in the United States and her native England. This hourlong series follows Williams -- whose grandmother, Frances Glazebrook, reportedly provided psychic services to the British royal family -- to various American locales as she meets with clients and also offers impromptu readings to strangers she meets on the street.


Lisa Williams: Voices from the Other Side

Lisa Williams: Voices from the Other Side 2008


The spiky-haired British clairvoyant ("Life Among the Dead") returns for a five-episode encore featuring Williams doing one-on-one readings both in a studio and in impromptu meetings with random people to whom she is drawn while walking on the street.


The One

The One 2008


Seven psychics undergo a series of challenges designed to test their abilities in clairvoyance, telepathy and mediumship, among others. At the end of each episode the judges decide who stays and who goes, until the final instalment, when the audience gets to decide which of the remaining spoon-benders is truly The One.