Sam O'Steen Fagre voksne verden Hvem er bange for Virginia Woolf? Rosemary's Baby Chinatown Punkt 22 Wolf Skrappe Luke Working Girl Frantic Sparkle Regarding Henry Silkwood Til ægteskabet os skiller Fagre voksne verden The Best Little Girl in the World Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby A Brand New Life Queen of the Stardust Ballroom High Risk Kids Don't Tell Robin and the 7 Hoods Consenting Adults Brændemærket Night Falls on Manhattan The White River Kid Hurricane Operation Alpha Biloxi Blues Huset Gud glemte 2 Kisses for My President Hotel Auntie Mame Kødets lyst A Dry White Season Postcards from the Edge Nadine Portnoy's Complaint The Sterile Cuckoo Hvordan man får succes i sit andet ægteskab - med sin første kone! Kun for de tapre Youngblood Hawke I Love You...Good-bye Amo non amo