Jery Hewitt Dødens ekko Tempest Krigerne Five Corners Malcolm X The Last Fight The Soldier The Nesting Wolfen Sagen er bank A Memory For The Future The Wanderers Cry-Baby State of Grace State of Grace K-PAX Forført til succes Unfaithful Deception Last Exit to Brooklyn Fargo In Dreams Svindel på højt plan Lost Souls Marci X Five Corners Five Corners Vigilante Cop Land Ka' du høre hvad jeg ser? Miles from Home A Return to Salem's Lot Arthur Creepshow 2 The Bone Collector C.O.D. That is my Boy Så flyt dog! Non-Stop Splash The Big Lebowski Inside Llewyn Davis A Serious Man Broadcast News Arizona Junior Dødens ekko Good Will Hunting Kate & Leopold No Country for Old Men Internal Affairs True Grit Bob Roberts The Birds II: Land's End The Birds II: Land's End Det store spring Det store spring My New Gun Empire Records A Kiss Before Dying The Manchurian Candidate The Royal Tenenbaums C.H.U.D. Den hårde måde The Ladykillers Lolita The War Intolerable Cruelty Tolken Michael Clayton Preppies Duplicity Dead Dog Simon The Hours Livvagt for Tess Held i spil Ekstreme Metoder Juice Boomerang Livvagt for Tess Penn & Teller Get Killed The Birdcage Halløj på Wall Street Blue Steel Ghostbusters II Blue Steel School of Rock Threesome No Country for Old Men Surrogates What's the Worst That Could Happen? The Yards Call Me Split Cherry Tree Gangsterbossens datter The Stuff New Jack City Sidste spil To ugers opsigelse Nådeløs Hævn The Super My Demon Lover Money Monster Arizona Junior Eddie The Lemon Sisters Edderkoppens Spind Sleepers Hvisken i mørket Nell The Spitfire Grill I lovens navn New Amsterdam