Robert O. Cook En verdensomsejling under havet Secrets of the Pirate's Inn Never a Dull Moment Babes in Toyland Hop med professoren Hurra for Herbie Tornerose The Strange Monster of Strawberry Cove The Shaggy Dog Mosby's Marauders 101 Dalmatinere - Hund og hund imellem 3D Jamboree Darby i Alfeland Mooncussers Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day Kaptajn Sortskæg går igen Perri Panik i andedammen Hokus pokus kosteskaft Aristocats Son of Flubber Follow Me, Boys! Hr. Tudse og søvnigdalens legende The Goofy Success Story Fantasy on Skis So Dear to My Heart Westward Ho, The Wagons! The Pigeon That Worked a Miracle Ride a Northbound Horse Alice i Eventyrland Peter Pan En verdensomsejling under havet Lady og Vagabonden Old Yeller For the Love of Willadean Way Down Cellar The Monkey's Uncle The Further Adventures of Gallegher Tricks of Our Trade The Gnome-Mobile The Legend of Lobo Ama Girls حمد والقراصنة Disneys Juleshow Fra Alle Os til Alle Jer Peter Plys Kilroy Samoa A Country Coyote Goes Hollywood Askepot Grand Canyon Junglebogen Donald in Mathmagic Land Sancho, the Homing Steer Sværdet i stenen Little Dog Lost Bristle Face The Hardy Boys: The Mystery of the Applegate Treasure The Goofy Adventure Story The Ugly Dachshund The Best Doggoned Dog in the World Wild Burro of the West Agent C.A.T. Sardinia Mary Poppins Forældrefælden Mickey og bønnestagen Zorro, the Avenger Jungle Cat Disneyland 10th Anniversary I Captured the King of the Leprechauns The Golden Horseshoe Revue Disneyland '59 Backstage Party The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin The Story of the Animated Drawing The Incredible Journey Disneyland Around the Seasons Disneyland Showtime The Legend of Two Gypsy Dogs One Day at Teton Marsh An Otter in the Family Concho, the Coyote Who Wasn't The Not So Lonely Lighthouse Keeper Rusty and the Falcon Chico, the Misunderstood Coyote Eyes in Outer Space My Family Is a Menagerie The Navajos: Children of the Gods Run, Light Buck, Run Mysteries of the Deep