Olivia Hussey Døden på Nilen Three Priests Shame, Shame, Shame Romeo and Juliet Death on the Nile: Making of Featurette Headspace Psycho IV: The Beginning 復活の日 The Man with Bogart's Face Ice Cream Man All the Right Noises En morder i dit hus An Audience with Mel Brooks Mother Teresa Fangejagten Ivanhoe Un verano para matar Tortilla Heaven The Dark Mist Quest of the Delta Knights Black Christmas Legacy The Cat and the Canary Lost Horizon US Against the World H-Bomb Our World Distortions Island Prey The Gardener The Battle of the Villa Fiorita The Corsican Brothers El Grito Dead Man's Island The Bastard Save Me Sheng zhan feng yun La bottega dell'orefice The Pirate Social Suicide The Psycho Legacy Railroad to Hell: A Chinaman's Chance The Crunch Cup Fever The 12 Days of Black Christmas The Calls Are Coming from Inside Hun så et mord Boy Meets World Hallmark Hall of Fame Det Onde Jesus of Nazareth Superman: The Animated Series The Last Days of Pompeii Mother Teresa