Robert Foxworth Syriana Frankenstein Damien: Tegnet II Forureningsuhyret Airport '77 The Eruption of Mount St. Helens! Amazing Journeys Transformers: Månens Mørke Side The Questor Tapes Treasure of Matecumbe Ring of Fire It Happened at Lakewood Manor Beyond the Stars The Black Marble The Devil's Daughter The Astral Factor The New Healers Mrs. Sundance L.A. Confidential Hogan's Goat For Love and Glory Deathmoon Another Part of the Forest The Return of Desperado Transformers Transformers: De Faldnes Hævn Transformers: Udryddelsesalderen James Dean Double Standard The Memory of Eva Ryker The Librarian II: Return to King Solomon's Mines Face to Face The Price of the Bride With Murder in Mind Act of Love The F.B.I. Story: The FBI Versus Alvin Karpis, Public Enemy Number One Kiss the Bride Elizabeth Montgomery: A Bewitched Life Six Feet Under Star Trek: Enterprise Brothers and Sisters Kidnapped Kung Fu The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest Judging Amy The F.B.I. seaQuest DSV Bones Hawaii Five-O The Streets of San Francisco Lov og orden: Enheden for specielle ofre LateLine The Mod Squad Medical Center Babylon 5 Cagney & Lacey Cannon Stargate SG-1 Strong Medicine Close to Home Christy Hallmark Hall of Fame Reaper Boston Legal 2000 Malibu Road The Hitchhiker The Sixth Sense CBS Playhouse The Manhunter Quinn Martin's Tales of the Unexpected The Outer Limits Lov og orden: Enheden for specielle ofre Justice League Unlimited Præsidentens mænd Columbo Storefront Lawyers The F.B.I. The F.B.I. Hearts Afire Peter and Paul Lincoln I lovens navn Gilmore Girls Falcon Crest Star Trek: Deep Space Nine I lovens navn The Pirates of Dark Water Quincy, M.E. Hun så et mord Coach Barnaby Jones Great Performances The Streets of San Francisco The Streets of San Francisco