Max Rosenberg Inside the Fear Factory Frankensteins forbandelse Rock Rock Rock! I jordens indre Dr. Who: Krig på Skaro Madhouse Skærsild Dr. Who's hemmelige våben From Beyond the Grave Girl of the Night The Vault of Horror Dr. Terror's House of Horrors Torture Garden Perdita Durango Landet som tiden glemte Jeg, et uhyre The Skull The Terrornauts They Came from Beyond Space Anything to Survive And Now the Screaming Starts! Flesh and Blood: The Hammer Heritage of Horror The Beast Must Die The Birthday Party It's Trad, Dad! The House That Dripped Blood Langrishe, Go Down The Psychopath Asylum The Mind of Mr. Soames What Became of Jack and Jill? Cat People The City of the Dead Scream and Scream Again The Deadly Bees Just for Fun Danger Route The Last Mile A Touch of Love Invasion Earth: The Aliens Are Here Lad: A Dog The Incredible Melting Man The World of Abbott and Costello Bloody Birthday Jamboree! Welcome to Blood City Folket som tiden glemte The Comeback Trail Homework