John P. Austin Secret Beyond the Door Westworld James Bond: Diamanter varer evigt House of Women Når enken er go' Pas på hovedet The Young Philadelphians The Second Greatest Sex Bright Victory Buccaneer's Girl Youngblood Hawke Moment to Moment Johnny Stool Pigeon Come September What's Up, Doc? The Lost Man Francis Goes to West Point Deported Behind the High Wall Live Fast, Die Young The King's Pirate Running Wild A Double Life Eksorcisten II: Kætteren Another Part of the Forest Star in the Dust For the Love of Mary An Act of Murder Tumbleweed Sierra Iron Man To Hell and Back The Raiders Law and Order The Spoilers Voice in the Mirror The Gal Who Took the West Wyoming Mail Strange Bedfellows A Very Special Favor The Yellow Mountain Paper Moon Politiets blinde øje The Art of Love Abbott og Costello møder den usynlige mand 1941: Undskyld, hvor ligger Hollywood? Uhyret går blandt os Manden, der skiftede ansigt Mexican Hayride Man in the Shadow Red Sundown The Tattered Dress Kisses for My President Mandingo Rome Adventure Forpost i Indien Jaget af fortiden Toy Tiger The Saga of Hemp Brown Wild Heritage Forfulgt Illegal Entry Overfald på Queen Mary Damn Yankees Destry I've Lived Before Bagdad Man Without a Star Desert Legion Shanks Reflections of Murder Topaz Skyd uden varsel Coogan's Bluff En mand, syv kvinder Kitten with a Whip Thunder on the Hill PT 109 Border River Once Upon a Dead Man