Filmcompany Russkoe
Pretty Girl 2013
Kirill, a young successful entrepreneur, is invited to an important business dinner that opens up new prospects for his business. However, there is one indispensable condition: he must bring his bride, whom he has not yet introduced anyone to. But his fiancée refuses to keep him company. Fortunately, favorable fate throws up a way out: Kirill accidentally meets the beautiful and sharp-tongued Lisa, who can be passed off as a bride. If our hero knew who he was messing with, he would be careful not to let a stranger into his life.
Любка 2009
For the Sake of Love 2015
The Shards of the Crystal Slipper 2015
In an old coat with a cardboard suitcase, Yulya arrives to conquer the capital. Her Aunt Valya helps her get a job as a live-in nurse for Alla Nikolaevna, a wealthy and capricious old woman who had a stroke. A little time passes, and Alla and her son Pavel grow fond of Yulya. Only Pavel's wife, Lena, does not believe in the "good angel". And she seems to be right…
Blues for September 2017
Карусель 2010
Romance, in Russian
Crooked Mirror 2018
Женщина-зима 2009
Belated Flowers 2015
Aleksandra 2010
Саша — фельдшер Скорой помощи. Вся ее жизнь подчинена работе и заботе о муже Романе. Саша и не думает о развлечениях, встречах с подругами и покупках. Все тяжело заработанные деньги она тратит на любимого супруга, а в выходные пишет за него курсовые. Ведь Роман учится в институте, правда, в основном он весело проводит время с друзьями. И вот наступит момент, когда Роману станет скучно с домашней Сашей, и главной героине придется начинать жизнь с «чистого листа» — без мужа и для себя.
Dove 2009
Последний лепесток 2016
Ugly Love 2015
Stirlitz's Wife 2012
A single mother is raising her son alone, but she sees how he longs for a father figure.