To Rome with Love

To Rome with Love 2012


Der Architekturstudent Jack lebt glücklich verliebt mit seiner Freundin Sally in Rom. Als jedoch Sallys beste Freundin Monica aus den USA zu Besuch kommt, wird die Beziehung des jungen Paares auf die Probe gestellt. Der mit Jack befreundete Stararchitekt John ist einige Tage mit Freunden nach Rom gereist. Er hat mit starken und anstrengenden Frauen Erfahrungen gemacht und warnt den angehenden Architekten vor unüberlegten Taten. Der alternde Opernregisseur Jerry und seine Frau Phyllis sind gerade zu Besuch, um die Familie ihres zukünftigen Schwiegersohnes Michelangelo kennen zu lernen. Leopoldo wird mit einem berühmten Schauspieler verwechselt und über nacht zum Star. Zudem verirrt sich das frischvermählte Paar Antonio und Milly auf dem Weg zu ihren Verwandten im Trubel der Stadt.


Young People Fucking

Young People Fucking 2007


Ein gewöhnlicher Dienstagabend. Fünf junge Paare erleben ganz unterschiedliche sexuelle Abenteuer und dabei zeigt sich auf amüsante Art, dass sich Beziehungen immer wieder ähneln und manchmal doch ganz grundlegend unterscheiden. Da sind zum Beispiel die sexuell frustrierte Abby und ihr sensibler Mann Andrew, die zusammen seinen Geburtstag feiern. Doch statt lockerer Partystimmung und Vertrautheit herrschen nur Ängstlichkeit und Missverständnisse. Die Beziehung von Mia und Eric dagegen ist längst vorbei. Mit einem letzten One-Night-Stand wollen sie prüfen, ob sie wirklich übereinander weg sind. Matt und Kris sind seit Ewigkeiten gute (platonische) Freunde. Aber vielleicht ist eine Nacht mit zwanglosem Sex genau das Richtige für die beiden leidgeprüften Singles. Ken und Jaime arbeiten zusammen und treffen sich an diesem Abend zu ihrem ersten Date. Und Inez lädt nicht nur ihren Freund Gord, sondern auch dessen Mitbewohner Dave zu sich ein.


Night on Earth

Night on Earth 1991


In fünf Episoden erzählt „Night on Earth“ von den Ereignissen einer ganz bestimmten Nacht, die jeweils in einer von fünf großen Metropolen stattfinden. Ein Taxifahrer und seine teils aberwitzigen und kuriosen Erlebnisse mit einem seiner Fahrgäste stehen jeweils im Mittelpunkt des Geschehens. Alles beginnt in der Dämmerung von Los Angeles, führt dann weiter nach New York, von dort nach Paris und Rom und endet schließlich in Helsinki im Morgengrauen.


Müssen Männer schön sein?

Müssen Männer schön sein? 1976


Episodenfilm mit fünf erotisch-komödiantischen Geschichten: Das Pferdchen, Ein flüchtiger Moment, Der Leibwächter, Geld im Mund, Ein ruhiger Ort; Eine schöne Mischung aus entzückender 70s-Atmosphäre und nett in Szene gesetzten Euro-Schönheiten. Die Musik von Guido & Maurizio De Angelis besteht aus nur einem Lied. Dieses ertönt in den einzelnen Episoden in verschiedenen Versionen.



Salaam-E-Ishq 2007


Dem Filmstarlet Kkamini steht urplötzlich ihr einst für die Presse erfundener Traummann gegenüber, während Taxifahrer Raju mit seiner großen Liebe Stephanie auf der Suche nach ihrem Freund durch halb Indien kurvt. Shiven hingegen leidet an Bindungsangst und löst seine Verlobung mit Gia, deren Schwester Seema von Ehemann Vinay mit der jungen Tänzerin Anjali betrogen wird. Ashutosh kämpft derweil um seine Frau Tehzeeb, die seit einem Unfall keine Erinnerungen mehr an ihn hat. Und schließlich sind da noch Dayal und Phoolwati, die in ihrer Hochzeitsnacht ihr Haus anzünden... (Quelle:


Notes of Berlin

Notes of Berlin 2021


In 15 skurillen Begegnungen erzählt der Film von Berliner Charakteren, die man gerne übersieht. Irgendwo zwischen Clubnacht und Wohnungsnot, zwischen Haustierflucht und Vaterfund, zwischen alltäglichem Irrsinn und nächtlichen Begegnungen.



Lehrmädchen-Report 1972


Sind junge Mädchen Freiwild oder gehen sie selbst auf Jagd? Jutta, die junge Auszubildende in einem Reisebüro, hat einen nervösen Augentick, wenn sie sich unsicher fühlt - die männlichen Kunden fassen das als erotische Einladung auf. Beim Maurerlehrling Franziska wenden der Polier und die Gesellen alle Mittel an, um sie gefügig zu machen. Annemarie, die eine Ausbildung als Dekorateurin macht, sucht ihre Chance weniger im Beruf als in ihren körperlichen Reizen. Statt ihren Chef zu verführen, lässt sie sich von einem angeheizten Kollegen die Unschuld rauben. Und Marianne, Friseurlehrling, wird von ihrem Meister angehalten, die Herren in durchsichtiger Bluse und "oben ohne" zu bedienen - sie landet in einem Massagesalon.


Fire Tripper

Fire Tripper 1985


Eine massive Gasexplosion wirft die siebzehnjährige Suzuko 500 Jahre in die Vergangenheit zurück, wo sie mitten auf einem blutigen Schlachtfeld landet. Der junge Krieger Shukumaru rettet Suzuko vor ein paar perversen Banditen und Suzuko fängt so langsam an zu verstehen, warum sie in der Zeit gelandet ist und was das alles mit ihrer eigenen mysteriösen Vergangenheit zu tun hat. Shukumara und Suzuko treffen auf Rätsel, Tragödien und Desaster, während die Zeit immer weiter fortschreitet und die Spuren zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart verwischt.


Die Killerakademie

Die Killerakademie 1985


Der junge Sicherheitssysteme-Installateur Vic Ajax sitzt in der Todeszelle, weil er vermeintlich seinen Chef ermordet haben soll. Niedergeschlagen erinnert er sich, wie er in diese prekäre Situation kommen konnte: Tatsächlich hatte er sich nämlich Hals über Kopf in die bildschöne Nancy verliebt, was dazu führte, dass er auf zwei undurchsichtige Ungeziefer-Exterminatoren stieß. Die wiederum hatten den Auftrag, den Chef von Vic zu töten, den sie ausführen, um danach Jagd auf den Auftraggeber zu machen.


Die dressierte Frau

Die dressierte Frau 1972


Esther Vilars antifeministisches Thesenbuch "Der dressierte Mann" und Schütz/Kurdorffs Gegenpamphlet "Die dressierte Frau" in einer filmischen Umsetzung, der es nicht um Aufklärung geht, sondern um pseudokritische Belustigung über Sex und Rollenverhalten.


Cells at Work!

Cells at Work! 2018


This is a story about you. A tale about the inside of your body... According to a new study, the human body consists of approximately 37 trillion cells. These cells are hard at work every day within a world that is your body. From the oxygen-carrying red blood cells to the bacteria-fighting white blood cells, get to know the unsung heroes and the drama that unfolds inside of you! It's the oddly relatable and interesting story that is the life of cells!


Wakako Zake

Wakako Zake 2015


Murasaki Wakako, who is 26 years old, loves going out alone to enjoy eating and drinking, especially when something unpleasant happens at work. Thie show follows Wakako through many solitary outings, where she enjoys different combinations of food and drink!


Brava Gente

Brava Gente 2000


Brava Gente was a television series aired by TV Globo in Brazil between 2000 and 2003, initially as a special year-end. The program was adapted from stories and national stories, and plays by famous playwrights, screenwriters and signed by a number represented by several actors and actresses. The genres of the stories varied each week with the style of each director or author. Brava Gente in the stories ranged from comedies and dramas. In all 53 episodes were shown, broadcast on Tuesday nights.


Midnight Diner

Midnight Diner 2009


Set in a small restaurant in the corner of a shopping district. The unusual eatery is only open after midnight, and its standard menu consists of just a single choice. However, the customers still come for the amusing chatter and the proprietor's willingness to cook any dish that they request. This drama depicts the lives of the restaurant's patrons, including a yakuza, an unsuccessful actor, a group of office ladies, a newspaper delivery boy, and a stripper.



Donyatsu 2013


The "loosely science-fiction adventure" is set in the summer sometime in the 21st century. Tokyo's Shinjuku ward has become a wasteland, void of all humans due to an unexplained catastrophe. What remains are these strange creatures such as "Donyatsu," the half-cat, half-doughnut hybrid, and "Begaru," a feline bagel composite.


Restaurant to Another World

Restaurant to Another World 2017


Western Restaurant Nekoya is a popular eatery located on a street corner in a Tokyo shopping district. Serving both traditional Japanese fare as well as Western dishes, this eating establishment is popular among Tokyo's residents. But this seemingly ordinary restaurant is also popular with another type of clientele... While the restaurant is thought to be closed on Saturdays, the truth is that on this special day each week, its doors are instead opened to the inhabitants of other worlds. From dragons and elves to fairies and mages, this restaurant has no shortage of strange customers. Nevertheless, the enigmatic chef known only as "Master" will be waiting to serve up their favorite dishes with a kind smile and keep them coming back for many more Saturdays to come.


Flip Flappers

Flip Flappers 2016


How does the world look in your eyes? Papika and Cocona, the heroines of the story, hold the keys to open the door. When the two girls meet, their adventures in a different time and different overlapping dimension called "Pure Illusion" begin. Many things in Pure Illusion will stand in the girls' way on their search for the mysterious crystal called the "Shard of Mimi," an item that is said to grant any wish. However, when the girls find themselves in danger, the Shard of Mimi shines, and they are able to transform.



Ani*Kuri15 2007


Ani-Kuri 15 is a series of fifteen 1-minute shorts that aired on the Japanese TV station, NHK between May 2007 and 2008. Intended as companion pieces to the AniKuri program and as filler between regularly scheduled programs, the shorts were broadcast in three seasons of 5 episodes. Each short was directed by a different director and the episodes were collected and uploaded to the official AniKuri15 website in 2008.


A Destructive God Sits Next to Me

A Destructive God Sits Next to Me 2020


Koyuki Seri is just trying to have a normal school life, but instead he ends up acting as the straight man to his odd classmate, Hanatori Kabuto. Kabuto is is a delusional high school student, whose fantasies range from believing he is a knight on a journey, to claiming that removing his eyepatch will release a darker alter-ego who he refers to as Michael Offenbarung Dunkelheit. Seri is determined not to let himself get pushed around by Kabuto, but it seems that this will be easier said than done!


Beryl & Sapphire

Beryl & Sapphire 2018


"I've been holding a few words back for a long time — I like you!" "Beryl and Sapphire" is a popular manhua created by artist Ocarina. Here includes protagonists with the most random names in history — the mild-mannered Beryl (Green) and the easily-embarrassed Sapphire (Blue). At times the closest of friends, at others the worst of enemies… In this donghua where each episode is set in a different world, how would they encounter each other time and again?? Only angst? Too painful! Nothing but fluff? Too sugary! Come watch B&S, the show where you'll never guess the ending…


Honobono Log

Honobono Log 2016


Based on an illustration book by Naka Fukamachi. The anime offers heartwarming peeks at the lives of close couples and families.


Welcome, Chitose-chan

Welcome, Chitose-chan 2018


Chitose-chan is a penguin who lives in Kyoto. Getting in touch with people and getting fed delicious food as she curiously walks around Kyoto streets is her favourite thing to do. The story features popular places in Kyoto like Kiyomizu Temple, Ginkaku Temple, and Gion from the Penguin's point of view. This is a short story about a penguin that is nostalgic and warm, curing and relieving the heart.


Great Selection Taxi

Great Selection Taxi 2014


Edawakare is the driver of Sentaxi, a marvellous vehicle which is able to take a passenger back to his or her “life’s turning point”. His cool appearance is at odds with his talkative, meddlesome, sweet-toothed character. He gives advice to passengers who are flustered after failing in their life’s choice.


Kara: Secret Love

Kara: Secret Love 2014


"Secret Love" is written as an Omnibus Mini-Series consisting of 5 episodes, focusing on the ups-and-downs of love relationships such as a first love, breakups, secret crushes, etc. Each episode features a member of the girl group KARA, teamed up with a leading man. "Secret Love" will be produced in advance, then be aired in Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other Asian countries.


Boogiepop Phantom

Boogiepop Phantom 2000


Five years ago, a string of grisly murders shook the city to its core and now the rumors have begun once more. Boogiepop... Everyone knows about Boogiepop: meet her one dark night and you are taken. People tell each other the stories and laugh: no one believes that she can possibly exist in this day and age. Still, strange things appear to be going on and the darkness is taking on many forms. Something is out there.


My Neighbor Seki and Rumi's Phenomenon

My Neighbor Seki and Rumi's Phenomenon 2015


The boy who sits next to Yokoi in class, Seki-kun, is always up to something at his desk. He manages to somehow play very elaborate games without attracting the teacher's attention. From dominos, to shogi, to go, to mecha models, to playing with cats and more, he always has something new to do. Yokoi often finds herself getting reluctantly interested in his games, even though they always seem to end up getting HER in trouble with the teacher!


Future Folktales

Future Folktales 2020


In 2050 Riyadh, elder Asma's richly captivating storytelling transports her cherished grandchildren to fabled times where they learn that modern-day dilemmas are no match for the trials, tribulations and words of wisdom passed from generation to generation through their fascinating folktales.


BARTENDER Glass of God

BARTENDER Glass of God 2024


At Eden Hall, each glass has a story. A quiet bar lies tucked away in the streets of Tokyo, and it seems only the most desperate souls burdened by their own troubles manage to find its doors. But after a glass of God poured by the brilliant bartender Ryu, they leave renewed. Ryu has a gift—he knows how to soothe the soul with the perfect drink. Who will he meet next?


Ultra Q

Ultra Q 1966


As supernatural events and monster attacks rock Japan, the military and government look to be overwhelmed. Three intrepid young investigators—two pilots and a reporter—take it upon themselves to study these unexplained phenomena in order to inform and protect the public. With allies and science aiding them on their journey, the trio must separate myth from history as they explore the greater mysteries of these occurrences: are they unrelated, or is this barrage somehow a portent of even worse things to come?


Sweet Room

Sweet Room 2009


This drama tells four love stories "Last Love", "Birthday", "Triangle" and "Room Service". Each love story takes place in the "Sweet Room" of a hotel.