Stichwort Italian Occupation
Na svoji zemlji 1948
Tistega lepega dne 1962
Cefalonia 2005
Volere Votare 2016
Rote Mohnblumen an den Wänden 1976
Im albanischen Tirana zu Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs während der Besetzung durch die italienischen Faschisten: In einem Waisenhaus schmiedet eine Gruppe von Jungen Pläne, sich gegen den despotischen Direktor und die Unterdrückung durch die Leitung des Hauses aufzulehnen.
Ilegalët 1976
Trst 1951
Ο αντιφασίστας 1972
Zanghat Arreeh 2019
The series "Zanghat Arreeh" is a historical social drama, the events of which take place in 1945 in the city of Tripoli in Libya. It highlights the suffering of the Libyan people under the rule of the British administration that was installed in Libya after World War II and the defeat of Italy. In the absence of any media or legal interest, the British military administration facilitated procedures for foreign communities at the expense of the sons of the homeland. The series also highlights the social life, customs and traditions that prevailed among the residents of Tripoli of all religions and ethnicities, united by one city and one homeland, in which they share their joys and sorrows.