Der Geschmack der Kirsche

Der Geschmack der Kirsche 1997


Herr Badii, ein Teheraner Mann mittleren Alters, möchte sich das Leben nehmen und sucht jemanden, der nach seinem Selbstmord seine Leiche vergraben wird. Auf der Fahrt durch Außenbezirke und Umgebung Teherans stößt der offenbar gut situierte Hr. Badii auf verschiedene Menschen, die er gegen Aussicht auf gute Bezahlung um diesen Dienst bittet. Nach einigen Versuchen findet er jemanden, der einwilligt, ihm die letzte Ehre zu erweisen, ihm aber den Selbstmord auszureden versucht.


Diese 10 Dinge tun wir bevor wir uns trennen

Diese 10 Dinge tun wir bevor wir uns trennen 2020


Nachdem Abigail, eine alleinerziehende Mutter von zwei Kindern, nach einem One Night Stand mit dem freiheitsliebenden Benjamin schwanger wird, lässt es das unwahrscheinliche Paar darauf ankommen und versucht es miteinander. In der Bar hatten sie bei ihrem Kennenlernen noch darüber gewitzelt, welche zehn Dinge sie tun wollen, bevor ihre Beziehung endet, aber nun wird es tatsächlich ernst. Hoffnungsvoll lassen sie sich auf ihre neuentdeckte Romanze ein, doch bald schon werden sie vor zehrenden Herausforderungen gestellt, die ihr frisches Glück bedrohen. Damit ihre gemeinsame Zukunft überhaupt eine Chance auf Bestand hat, muss die junge Familie trotz aller Hindernisse und aufbrodelnden Konflikte zuerst lernen, wie man zusammen an einem Strang zieht...



Eisbären 2022


Der Dokumentarfilm erzählt die berührende Geschichter einer jungen Eisbärenmutter, die sich durch ihre Erinnerungen an die eigene Kindheit darauf vorbereitet, sich als Mutter in der immer komplizierteren Welt zurechzufinden, in der heute Eisbären leben. Diese wird nicht nur aufgrund der Menschen für die Eisbären immer bedrohlicher.



Pinguine 2019


Die Geschichte von Steve, einem Adélie-Pinguin, auf der Suche nach einem Lebenspartner und der Gründung einer Familie. Als Steve sich mit Wuzzo, dem Kaiserpinguin, trifft, werden sie Freunde. Aber in der eisigen Antarktis ist nichts einfach.


Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation 2021


A 34-year-old hikikomori is kicked out of his home by his family after the death of his parents. After his eviction, he saves a group of teenagers from being killed by a speeding truck, but loses his life in the process. When he comes to, he realizes he has been reborn as Rudeus Greyrat, in a world of swords and sorcery.



Appare-Ranman! 2020


During the back-end of the 19th century, the genius but socially awkward engineer Sorano Appare and the wise yet cowardly samurai Isshiki Kosame find themselves drifting in the sea between Japan and America. With no money, the duo decide to enter the Trans-America Wild Race to win the prize money so they can get home. The two encounter rivals, bandits, and challenges in the wilderness as they race through America, from the starting line in Los Angeles to the finish line in New York, in the steam-powered car they built.


True Life

True Life 1998


True Life is a documentary series running on MTV since March 24, 1998. Each episode follows a particular topic, such as heroin addiction as in the first episode, "Fatal Dose." The show is created by following a series of subjects by a camera crew through a certain part of their lives.



Arnold 2023


This intimate docuseries follows Arnold Schwarzenegger's multifaceted life and career, from bodybuilding champ to Hollywood icon to politician.



Living 2023


The defeated Kao Jia Yue suddenly comes back home after many years. Many people feel awkward about his return, and hope he will leave soon. His nephew Cheng Yu is the only exception, as he finds Jia Yue different from other adults. Jia Yue realizes everyone, including himself, is struggling in life with so many challenges. His parents have an unhappy marriage, his second brother doesn’t feel he belongs at home, and his third brother is bewildered about his future. However, they continue to stumble and move on in life. Witnessing how everyone works hard to survive, Jia Yue also starts to plan his next step. He thought it was time to carry out his suicide plan…


Miracle Man

Miracle Man 2016


Ittaku lives without having a reason. One day, he falls in love with Hana who struggles with her harsh life. Hana's daughter Umi has problems with her ears and eyes. Umi has a hard time dealing with her daily life. Ittaku wants to help Hana and Umi.


Expedition from Hell: The Lost Tapes

Expedition from Hell: The Lost Tapes 2024


Mickey Grosman, a former special forces demolitions expert took a group of amateur adventurers on a nearly impossible journey across South America. Positioned as a charity trek for cancer awareness, participants were to be part of a 5,000-mile expedition across the continent through the deepest parts of the Amazon jungle. Only one claims to have made it to the end… Mickey Grosman.


Secrets of the Whales

Secrets of the Whales 2021


Sigourney Weaver guides viewers on a journey to the heart of whale culture to experience the extraordinary communication skills and intricate social structures of five different whale species. With the help of new science and technology, viewers witness whales making lifelong friendships, teaching clan heritage and traditions to their young and grieving deeply for the loss of loved ones.


Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told 2009


Truth Be Told is a captivating TLC documentary series taking viewers into the lives of people who face day-to-day challenges coping with various illnesses, addictions and afflictions.