Cambridge Analyticas großer Hack

Cambridge Analyticas großer Hack 2019


Mittlerweile haben Daten Öl als das wichtigste Gut der Welt überholt. Diese haben sich zu einer undurchschaubaren Waffe entwickelt, die kaum kontrolliert werden kann. Dabei geben wir jeden Tag durch den Gebrauch von technischen Geräten wie unserem Smartphone wertvolle Daten preis ohne über die Konsequenzen nachzudenken. Cambridge Analyticas großer Hack taucht in die düstere Welt der Cyberkriminalität ein und beleuchtet insbesondere den titelgebenden Vorfall bei dem die persönlichen Daten von Millionen von Facebook-Nutzern im Frühjahr 2018 gespeichert und missbraucht wurden.


Brexit – The Uncivil War

Brexit – The Uncivil War 2019


Am 23. Juni 2016 war es so weit: Die Welt nahm maximal überrascht zur Kenntnis, dass in Großbritannien eine Mehrheit für den Brexit, den Austritt aus der EU, gestimmt hatte. Das Unwahrscheinliche, Unmögliche war eingetreten. Dass es knapp werden würde, hatten die Auguren zuletzt prophezeit, allerdings war man davon ausgegangen, dass eine Mehrheit vor der Radikalität eines Jas zurückschrecken und schließlich doch ein Nein einwerfen würde. Besser gewusst hat es Dominic Cummings. Der von der Politik besessene Berater, den der frühere konservative Premier David Cameron einmal als »Karriere-Soziopath« bezeichnet hat, war vor der Brexit-Geschichte im Londoner Politikzirkus mehr schlecht als recht gelitten. Mit seinem genialisch-autistischen Gehabe ging er vielen Politikern und anderen kommunikativeren Spindoktoren auf den Geist. Allerdings war seine Erfolgsbilanz beeindruckend und er galt als der Mann für die hoffnungslosen Fälle.


Generation Z

Generation Z 2024


Flesh-eating baby-boomers get a taste for teenagers in Ben Wheatley's darkly comic, outlandishly gory, zombie-horror satire.


Tracey Ullman's Show

Tracey Ullman's Show 2016


Tracey Ullman returns with her unique take on some of the extraordinary characters who make up the global hub that is the UK.


Inside Alan Moore's Head

Inside Alan Moore's Head 2017


Between dystopian visions and far-sighted social analysis, comic writer Alan Moore explains how his works are a swan song to our era. A journey through occultism, mysticism and anarchy.


This England

This England 2022


Inside the halls of power, Boris Johnson grapples with Covid-19, Brexit, and a controversial personal and political life during his tumultuous first months as Prime Minister.


Inside Europe: Ten Years of Turmoil

Inside Europe: Ten Years of Turmoil 2019


For the first time on television, David Cameron’s top advisers - including George Osborne and William Hague - reveal the discussions that led to the decision for which Cameron will go down in history: to hold an in/out referendum. The programme lifts the lid on the prime minister’s desperate attempts to get a new deal for Britain in Europe. Top leaders, including presidents Tusk, Juncker, Sarkozy and Hollande, reveal the details of their negotiations with Cameron. From beers in Prague to dinners at Chequers, the prime minister tries to convince his partners to give him something to show Britain can claw back power from Brussels – especially on immigration – but he keeps getting knocked back.


Europe in Chaos

Europe in Chaos 2019


The European Union has been beset by a series of comings and goings over the last few years, each triggering its own brand of crisis. The civil war in Syria created the biggest wave of refugees to hit Europe since World War II, sparking contested debates on how to divvy up tens of thousands of refugees across E.U. countries. Meanwhile, in the U.K., Britain's vote in favor of Brexit added to the turmoil. Go behind the scenes with firsthand accounts of Europe's tumultuous last decade and its impact around the globe.



Brexitcast 2019


This hit podcast turned TV show features four of the BBC's wittiest political commentators, bringing you the most digestible explanations of Brexit along with Westminster gossip, trivia, running gags, and daft small-talk.


Brexit, un año después

Brexit, un año después 2021


On January 1, 2021, as a result of the approval of Brexit by the British people, the Withdrawal Agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union provisionally entered into force. Now, almost a year later, the problems, doubts and contradictions are beginning to come to light. Jon Sistiaga travels to the United Kingdom to reflect on the current moment and the consequences of Brexit in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Sistiaga will speak with primary workers who have seen how their exports to Europe have been drastically reduced until they disappeared, with Scottish and Irish nationalists, with journalists, with politicians and with citizens from different walks of life who voted yes to Brexit and are now losing their jobs. In addition, Jon Sistiaga will pay special attention to Spanish citizens who are suffering the effects of this fracture.