Phil Warren Dick Tracy vs. Cueball Superman and the Mole Men The Devil Thumbs a Ride Undercover Doctor Der unsichtbare Agent Criminal Court The Falcon's Adventure Dangers of the Canadian Mounted Code of the West Persons in Hiding Mystery Sea Raider A Fig Leaf for Eve Sudden Money Tom Sawyer, Detective Follow That Music Wife Tames Wolf Cocoanut Grove Fifth Avenue Girl The Gracie Allen Murder Case Her Jungle Love Deadline at Dawn Dick Tracy's Dilemma Born to Kill A Likely Story The Green Hornet Strikes Again! Eyes of the Underworld Prison Farm Geronimo, die Geißel der Prärie Sky Raiders King of Alcatraz Korvette K 225 So's Your Uncle I'll Take Milk Madame Spy Land der Banditen Zwei von der Marine Fallschirmakrobaten Abbott und Costello unter Kannibalen Million Dollar Legs Unmarried Die Todesreiter von Kansas Oh, Professor Behave! Illegal Traffic Borrowed Blonde Step by Step Du und ich