Graeme MacDonald Robin Redbreast Stocker's Copper The Rank and File A Beast with Two Backs Spend Spend Spend The Hunting of Lionel Crane The Boy Who Wanted Peace A Bit of Crucifixion, Father A Child and a Half Mille Miglia Bam! Pow! Zap! Rest in Peace, Uncle Fred Blood of the Lamb Toggle Wine of India Speech Day The Bouncing Boy Goldeneye - Der Mann, der James Bond war Edward G: Like the Filmstar Circle Line Hell's Angel Orkney Still Waters The Man in the Sidecar Man Friday A Story to Frighten the Children Wednesday Love The Reporters Highway Robbery Billy's Last Stand The House on Highbury Hill A Photograph Carson Country Evelyn Traitor Joe's Ark The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Oil Brassneck A Follower for Emily Bar Mitzvah Boy Just Another Saturday The Hallelujah Handshake Only Make Believe Kisses at Fifty Thank You Very Much Jingle Bells Angels Are So Few The Elephants' Graveyard The Piano Cows Just Your Luck Skin Deep Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont The Lie There Is Also Tomorrow The Bankrupt Better Than the Movies Three's One The Stretch The Emergency Channel Hot Fat Back of Beyond On the Eve of Publication Easy Go Love Letters on Blue Paper Child of Hope The Floater The Childhood Friend Bet Your Life Early Struggles Rocky Marciano Is Dead Buffet Do as I Say The Peddler Sizwe Bansi is Dead Son of Man