James Crabe Tribute To James Crabe Das China-Syndrom Rocky Karate Kid Police Academy 2 - Jetzt geht’s erst richtig los W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings Covenant The Hugga Bunch The Letter Everybody Loves It A Step Out of Line Die Formel The Great American Beauty Contest Karate Kid III - Die letzte Entscheidung When the Bough Breaks Sextette Sweet, Sweet Rachel Happy New Year The Dead Don't Die Der Abstauber The Disappearance of Aimee Sole Survivor Sein letzter Ritt Deadly Care Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years Family Secrets Agent for H.A.R.M. Todesgrüße aus Havanna Rettet den Tiger! George Washington II: The Forging of a Nation Zig Zag The Proper Time Tod in einer kleinen Stadt F. Scott Fitzgerald in Hollywood Maybe Baby - Am Anfang war der Klapperstorch Nightshift - Das Leichenhaus flippt völlig aus Cash Machine Strangers: The Story of a Mother and Daughter Gottseidank, es ist Freitag The Bold Men Verschollen im Pazifik All About Alice Players Die Nashörner The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Karate Kid II - Entscheidung in Okinawa Two Kinds of Love Concrete Beat Always on Sunday The Roman Springs on Mrs. Stone What Really Happened to Baby Jane