Melvyn Douglas Ninotschka Willkommen, Mr. Chance Die Verdammten der Meere Bill McKay - Der Kandidat Der Mieter Das Haus des Grauens Rache aus dem Reich der Toten Der Wildeste unter Tausend Nur meiner Frau zuliebe Erpressung Das Grauen Nur für Offiziere The Vampire Bat Ehekomödie Ein Kuß zuviel Annie Oakley That Certain Age The Guilt of Janet Ames Engel Manuel Die Verführung des Joe Tynan Dritter Finger, linke Hand She Married Her Boss Theodora Goes Wild Counsellor at Law Irrwege der Leidenschaft A Woman's Secret Kein Lied für meinen Vater Mein Herz braucht Liebe The People's Enemy Das Ultimatum My Own True Love Our Wife Die Frau mit den zwei Gesichtern Endlos ist die Prärie Tonight or Never Tell No Tales My Forbidden Past Ein Ehemann zuviel Hollywood: The Dream Factory Unterweltstragödie Wie Du mich wünschst Karriere Good Girls Go to Paris Brennendes Feuer der Leidenschaft Arsène Lupin Returns Man trifft sich in Paris He Stayed for Breakfast Der Spieler Helden ohne Hosen There's Always a Woman The Amazing Mr. Williams Prestige I'll Take Romance Dangerous Corner The Toy Wife Fast Company And So They Were Married On the Loose Tell Me a Riddle Woman in the Dark We Were Dancing This Thing Called Love Death Takes a Holiday Hollywood: The Selznick Years Hunters Are for Killing The Making of a President Three Hearts for Julia The Lone Wolf Returns Murder or Mercy The Hot Touch Intimate Strangers Das Hotel There's That Woman Again The Going Up of David Lev The Plot to Kill Stalin Old Man The Greer Case Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Portrait of Grandpa Doc Women of Glamour Companions in Nightmare Inherit the Wind The Wiser Sex Once Upon a Tractor The Broken Wing The Death Squad The Crucible Cavalcade of the Academy Awards That's Entertainment, Part II From the Ends of the Earth Myrna Loy: So Nice to Come Home To The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind Nagana The Big Parade of Comedy Screen Snapshots Series 19, No. 1 Screen Snapshots Series 18, No. 8 Judgment at Nuremberg Studio One General Electric Theater Hallmark Hall of Fame ABC Weekend Special Auf der Flucht Lux Video Theatre Your Show of Shows Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre The Philco Television Playhouse Ben Casey CBS Playhouse Lights Out Ghost Story Kraft Mystery Theatre Hollywood Off Beat The Ed Sullivan Show Playhouse 90 The Lives of Benjamin Franklin Hallmark Hall of Fame The Philco Television Playhouse The Dick Cavett Show What's My Line? Your Show of Shows What's My Line?