David Richmond-Peck Married Life The Thing Below - Das Grauen lauert in der Tiefe Bringing Ashley Home Planet der Affen - Prevolution Paradox - Die Parallelwelt Prophezeiung der Maya The House Die Wahrheit über Jenny Rand Edge of the Garden Family Sins - Familie lebenslänglich Die Saat des Bösen Cruel & Unusual The Privileged Hurrikan - Im Auge des Wirbelsturms Hyena Road Pacific Rim Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of 'Mork & Mindy' Behind the Camera: The Unauthorized Story of Charlie's Angels My Daughter Must Live Unless A Decent Proposal She's the Man - Voll mein Typ He Never Died Der Tag, an dem die Erde stillstand Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball Fantastic Four Passion's Web Fringe - Grenzfälle des FBI Stargate Atlantis Battlestar Galactica Robson Arms Smallville Stargate The Girlfriend Experience Painkiller Jane Into the West - In den Westen Godiva's Schitt's Creek Psych EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt Orphan Black Beauty and the Beast Flashpoint - Das Spezialkommando Sanctuary - Wächter der Kreaturen Remedy Die Firma Played Hemlock Grove 12 Monkeys Dark Matter Suits Fairly Legal Nikita Smallville R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour Lost Girl Rookie Blue Fringe - Grenzfälle des FBI The Listener - Hellhörig V - Die Besucher Cardinal