Pat Moran Pink Flamingos Head of State Love Letter to Edie Sniffing Out ‘Polyester’ It Came from... Baltimore!! Dorothy, the Kansas City Pot Head Sickies Making Films Desperate Living Multiple Maniacs Mondo Trasho Roman Candles Love Letter to Edie Homicide: The Movie DC Noir A Dirty Shame Cecil B. A Dirty Shame Return of the Killer Shrews Return of the Killer Shrews Blair Witch 2 Ping Pong Summer John Waters' Pecker Cecil B. Pink Flamingos Polyester Polyester Serial Mom - Warum lässt Mama das Morden nicht? Desperate Living Ein Werk Gottes Serial Mom - Warum lässt Mama das Morden nicht? Washingtonienne Head of State Hairspray Hairspray Cry-Baby Er steht einfach nicht auf Dich! Species II Der Staatsfeind Nr. 1 The Incredibly Strange Film Show The Incredibly Strange Film Show