Minority Report

Minority Report 2002


Το 2054 η τεχνολογία έχει προχωρήσει σε τέτοιο βαθμό, ώστε να είναι δυνατή η πρόβλεψη των φόνων πριν αυτοί διαπραχθούν και η σύλληψη των δραστών πριν αυτοί παρανομήσουν. Πρόκειται για ένα σύστημα που είναι αλάνθαστο και δεν αποτυγχάνει ποτέ. Όταν όμως προβλέπεται ότι ο επικεφαλής του προγράμματος, John Anderton, πρόκειται να δολοφονήσει σε λιγότερες από 36 ώρες κάποιον που δεν έχει συναντήσει ποτέ έως τώρα, εκείνος από κυνηγός μετατρέπεται σε θήραμα.


The Perfect Host

The Perfect Host 2010


Ο Warwick Wilson (David Hyde Pierce) είναι ο τέλειος οικοδεσπότης. Προετοιμάζεται προσεκτικά για ένα πάρτι με δείπνο, όπου το στρωμένο τραπέζι περιμένει την πάπια να σερβιριστεί στην ώρα της δηλαδή στις 20.30 μ.μ. Ο John Taylor είναι ένας εγκληματίας καριέρας. Μόλις λήστεψε μια τράπεζα και πρέπει να χαθεί από προσώπου γης για ένα διάστημα. Ο ίδιος βρίσκεται στο κατώφλι του Warwick συστηνόμενος ως φίλος ενός φίλου και πρωτάρης στο Λος Άντζελες, που είναι ήδη θύμα ληστείας αφού έχασε τις αποσκευές του. Δεδομένου ότι το κρασί ρέει άφθονο και το βράδυ προχωρά, γινόμαστε μάρτυρες στη ζωή αυτών των δύο ενώ ανακαλύπτουμε σταδιακά, πόσο εύκολα τα φαινόμενα απατούν. Η ταινία είναι ένα ψυχολογικό θρίλερ με πολύ σασπένς που εκθέτει την αληθινή ανθρώπινη φύση και αποκαλύπτει πόσο μακριά είμαστε διατεθειμένοι να πάμε για να ικανοποιήσουμε τις ανάγκες μας.


Chuck Norris vs Comunism

Chuck Norris vs Comunism 2015


Στα τέλη της δεκαετίας του '80, στη Ρουμανία του Τσαουσέσκου, ένας λαθρέμπορος VHS στη μαύρη αγορά και μια θαρραλέα μεταφράστρια έφεραν τη μαγεία των δυτικών ταινιών στο ρουμανικό λαό και έσπειραν τους σπόρους μιας επανάστασης.


America's Funniest Home Videos

America's Funniest Home Videos 1989


America's Funniest Home Videos is the longest-running primetime entertainment show in ABC history. Each week AFV shines the spotlight on hilarious videos. Fans tune in to witness failures and fiascos and to submit their own mishaps for their chance at stardom.


You've Been Framed!

You've Been Framed! 1990


You've Been Framed! is a British television comedy show, produced by ITV Studios for ITV where viewers send in humorous home videos. It is currently narrated by the comedian Harry Hill. During the show, the video clips are played and the people who sent them in receive £250. Before the advert break, a "What happens next?" competition, where the viewers have to guess what happens after a clip is frozen, or "Framed Gold Records" competition, where viewers have to guess how many times something can happen before something else happens, or "Are You A Cry Baby? Maybe" competition, where viewers guess if there will be tears before bedtime, is played. The answer is revealed after the break.


Here We Go

Here We Go 2022


Family life with no filter. The Jessops navigate life's everyday challenges - from changing jobs to kidnapping dogs.



#SittingAtHome 2020


While the whole world is singing songs from balconies and throwing video parties, Gennady Borisovich, owner of a chain of hardware stores in Podolsk, is trying to save his business. And his wife can't (or won't?) go home from Bali. Former Federal Security Service Colonel Sergey Dergach has settled in at his dacha with a load of alcohol and delivers controversial information from his dubious informants, which puts his colleagues in fear. Meanwhile, Gennady Borisovich's secretary Julia is going for possibly the last manicure in her life. She is very upset that her secret boyfriend has self-isolated with his family. He connects to a video call with his colleagues from the closet - the only place in the house where he can hide from his wife and children.


Finding Priscila

Finding Priscila 2024


In 2004, Brazil is shaken by the disappearance of Priscila, sister of MMA world champion Vitor Belfort. The police are racing against time to solve the case, but twenty years later, they have more questions than answers.


America's Funniest Home Videos: Animal Edition

America's Funniest Home Videos: Animal Edition 2021


NatGeo meets America's Funniest Home Videos in an unlikely marriage that produces hilarious pets, awesome wildlife, and everything in between. From the backyard to the savannah, we spend time with animals that make us laugh, gasp, and smile, providing us a unique mix of humor and wonder…all hosted by Alfonso Ribeiro.


Bergman's Video

Bergman's Video 2012


In the sixties, Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) built a house on the remote island of Fårö, located in the Baltic Sea, and left Stockholm to live there. When he died, the house was preserved. A group of very special film buffs, came from all over the world, travel to Fårö in search of the genius and his legacy. (Released in 2013, edited and abridged, as Trespassing Bergman.)


Videos After Dark

Videos After Dark 2019


Featuring home videos with an edgier twist. A show where the hits are a little harder, the language a bit saltier, the animals a little less cute, the kids a tad less adorable and the embarrassing moments more revealing.


Chuckle Time

Chuckle Time 2018


The Chuckle Brothers reacted to home video mishaps.