Jaws 2

Jaws 2 1978


Τέσσερα χρόνια μετά τα τραγικά γεγονότα, στην πόλη του Άμιτι συμβαίνουν κάποια περίεργα ατυχήματα κι εξαφανίσεις στη θάλασσα. Ο αστυνόμος Μπρόντι υποψιάζεται την εμφάνιση ενός ακόμα λευκού καρχαρία, αλλά οι κάτοικοι και οι αρχές δεν θέλουν καν να ακούν κάτι τέτοιο.


Το Κύμα

Το Κύμα 2015


Ο έμπειρος γεωλόγος Κρίστιαν Έικζορντ αποδέχεται μια δουλειά εκτός πόλης. Ετοιμάζεται με την οικογένεια του να αφήσει πίσω την πόλη Γκιράνγκερ, όταν αυτός και συνάδελφοι του μετρούν μικρές γεωλογικές αλλαγές στο υπέδαφος. Ο Κρίστιαν ανησυχεί πως αυτό μπορεί να ξυπνήσει τον χειρότερο του εφιάλτη, και τότε ο συναγερμός χτυπάει και ο πανικός ξεκινά. Με μόνο δέκα λεπτά προθεσμία για να κάνει οτιδήποτε, αρχίζει μια κούρσα με τον χρόνο για να σώσει όσα περισσότερα είναι δυνατόν να σώσει, μαζί και την οικογένεια του.


12 Men of Christmas

12 Men of Christmas 2009


Μια υψηλόβαθμος δημοσιογράφος της Νέας Υόρκης βρίσκεται στην Μοντάνα προωθώντας ένα φιλανθρωπικό σκοπό αφού έχει προδοθεί από το αφεντικό και τον αρραβωνιαστικό της. Δυστυχώς, τα θέματα της καρδιάς είναι εξίσου περίπλοκα και εκέι οπως και στην μεγαλούπολη.



Δόλωμα 2019


Σε ένα παραθαλάσσιο ψαροχώρι της Κορνουάλης, οι συνήθειες έχουν αλλάξει δραματικά. Το τοπικό στοιχείο αποτελεί πια ντεκόρ σε καρτ ποστάλ και η αλιεία έχει παραδώσει τη σκυτάλη στον τουρισμό – οι κάτοικοι έχουν μετατρέψει τον πατροπαράδοτο τρόπο ζωής σε «δόλωμα», προκειμένου να προσελκύσουν εύρωστους επισκέπτες. Δύο αδέρφια, ο υπέρμαχος της παράδοσης Martin και ο πραγματιστής Steven, ενσαρκώνουν τις δύο όψεις της νέας πραγματικότητας. Η ένταση αυξάνει επικίνδυνα, και η επερχόμενη τραγωδία θα σφραγίσει αμετάκλητα τη μοίρα τους.


Echappées Belles

Echappées Belles 2006


Échappées Belles is a French weekly discovery magazine, broadcast on Saturdays in the first part of the evening on France 5 since September 30, 2006. It is presented in turn by Sophie Jovillard, Jérôme Pitorin, Ismaël Khelifa, Tiga, Sabine Quindou, Théo Curin and Anto Cocagne.



Benidorm 2007


Set in the Solana all-inclusive Resort, Benidorm follows the antics of regulars and first-time holiday makers on their journeys abroad.


Ten Years Late

Ten Years Late 2019


A story about six young individuals with different backgrounds and different outlooks who work hard to build a life for themselves in the big city. Jin Ran gives up his high-paying position abroad for the sake of his love and his dreams. He takes up a job as the Chief Operating Officer of a tourism company and gets reunited with his first love Yuan Lai as he jumps at the chance to pursue her again. Career woman Xu Xin Yi crosses paths with professional gamer Ding Ang to start their lives as a couple but things do not turned out as planned due to an unexpected tragedy. Zhao Cheng Zhi, a lawyer making strides in establishing his own practice, butts heads with intern Shen Shuang Shuang and her bright and bubbly personality brings excitement to his otherwise monotonous life. (Source: ChineseDrama.info)


Avenue 5

Avenue 5 2020


40 years in the future, space captain Ryan Clark and the crew of the luxury space cruise ship Avenue 5 navigate disgruntled passengers and unexpected events after experiencing technical difficulties onboard.


Welcome, Chitose-chan

Welcome, Chitose-chan 2018


Chitose-chan is a penguin who lives in Kyoto. Getting in touch with people and getting fed delicious food as she curiously walks around Kyoto streets is her favourite thing to do. The story features popular places in Kyoto like Kiyomizu Temple, Ginkaku Temple, and Gion from the Penguin's point of view. This is a short story about a penguin that is nostalgic and warm, curing and relieving the heart.


Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby

Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby 2017


Giles Coren and Monica Galetti travel the globe visiting some of the world's most incredible hotels. They go beyond the lobby to see the areas that the public never see and roll up their sleeves to work alongside staff.


Crash Palace

Crash Palace 2001


The trials and tribulations of a group of young backpackers living in the same Sydney hostel.


The Package

The Package 2017


A group of strangers meet as part of a sightseeing tour in France, but end up learning more about one another than the tourist spots that they visit.


The Savoy

The Savoy 2020


The Savoy hotel... Its very name synonymous with glamour and exclusivity. But what really goes on behind those famous revolving doors?


The Guide - Five Stars in Kyoto

The Guide - Five Stars in Kyoto 2015


An original sitcom from YTV, revolving around the employees of a travel agency in Kyoto whose job is to respond to tourist customer complaints. Once called the “Travel Master” Kyoka Takase was transferred to a different office after a conflict with her superior. However with her expertise in planning and numerous connections, she uses her skills to create the perfect travel plan one customer at a time!



Wind-Bell 2019


Set in backdrops of Seoul’s most popular tourist spots including Han River and Bukchon, it is a story about a writer, named Daniel, who was adopted to the US when he was 10 years old, coming back to Korea after becoming a world-class novelist. He decided to come back to Korea to meet his family including his mother who had no option but to put her son up for adoption. While he traces back in memory, he meets Yeo Jin, the editor helping Daniel with the publication of his book in Korea and the two soon realize some undeniable chemistry between them.


Adventure Guides

Adventure Guides 2016


Guides spend countless hours, days and weeks preparing extraordinary expeditions that bring their clients off the beaten path to mountain tops, in the most remote forests, or at the bottom of lakes and oceans.