Λέξη-κλειδί Makeover
Γκρηζ 1978
Κατά τη διάρκεια των καλοκαιρινών διακοπών, ο Ντάνι, ένας νεαρός «επαναστάτης χωρίς αιτία», ερωτεύεται τη Σάντι, που μόλις κατέφθασε από την Αυστραλία. Οι δυο τους ζουν ένα φλογερό ειδύλλιο, που τελειώνει μόλις έρχεται το φθινόπωρο. Επιστρέφοντας όμως στο σχολείο, ο Ντάνι δεν αργεί να ανακαλύψει πως η Σάντι είναι πια συμμαθήτριά του! Ο Ντάνι είναι ατίθασος νέος και αρχηγός της συμμορίας T – Birds και δεν πρέπει να έχει αποκλειστικά μόνο μια κοπέλα… Επιπλέον, η Σάντι θεωρείται υπερβολικά «καθωσπρέπει» κορίτσι κι ο Ντάνι διστάζει να την προσεγγίσει ξανά. Άραγε ο έρωτας θα νικήσει ή ο Ντάνι θα απαρνηθεί την αγαπημένη του;
Thirteen 2003
Δεκατριών (2003) Για την δεκατριάχρονη, άριστη µαθήτρια Τρέισι όλα αλλάζουν όταν η Ίβι, η πιο δηµοφιλής και όµορφη κοπέλα του σχολείου γίνεται κολλητή της φίλη, παρασύροντάς την σε έναν κόσµο που κυριαρχούν το σεξ, τα ναρκωτικά και η εγκληµατικότητα. Στο "Thirteen" είναι µια συνταρακτική ιστορία ενηλικίωσης, σοκαριστική και απεγνωσµένη µε συγκλονιστικές ερµηνείες από την βραβευµένη µε Όσκαρ, Χόλι Χάντερ (υποψήφια εδώ, για Όσκαρ και Χρυσή Σφαίρα Β΄Γυναικείου Ρόλου), την αποκαλυπτική Ίβαν Ρέιτσελ Γουντς και την πρωτοεµφανιζόµενη Νίκι Ριντ.
Κάτω από τη λάμψη του φεγγαριού 1987
Η Λορέτα Καστορίνι πλησιάζει τα 40 κι αποφασίζει πως είναι καιρός να παντρευτεί ξανά, εφόσον έχει μείνει χήρα. Θα δεχτεί την σοβαρή πρόταση του μεσόκοπου Τζόνι Καμαρέρι, αλλά πρώτα πρέπει να περάσει από τον νεότερο αδελφό του, Ρόνι, για να τους συμβιβάσει. Η συνάντηση θα γίνει ραντεβού και το ραντεβού έρωτας, περιπλέκοντας τα πράγματα.
Το Αγόρι των Ονείρων σας 2021
Μια influencer βάζει στοίχημα ότι μπορεί να μεταμορφώσει σε βασιλιά του σχολικού χορού έναν μη δημοφιλή συμμαθητή της. Ριμέικ του κλασικού "Το Κορίτσι των Ονείρων σας".
Το Κορίτσι του Μπέβερλι Χιλς 1995
Δεν είναι εύκολος ρόλος να είσαι η πιο διάσημη και η πιο λαμπερή μαθήτρια στο Γυμνάσιο του Μπέβερλι Χιλς. Πόσο μάλλον όταν είσαι στο στόχαστρο της ζήλιας των Μπέτις (τα όμορφα κορίτσια), των επίμονων Μπάρνεις (όμορφα αγόρια) και των καθηγητών που φρικάρουν! Ωστόσο, η δεκαπεντάχρονη Σερ τα καταφέρνει όλα μια χαρά. Ώσπου εμφανίζεται στον ορίζοντα ο καινούριος συμμαθητής της, ο Κρίστιαν, και η Σερ χάνει τον αυτοέλεγχό της…
Steamboat Bill, Jr. 1928
The Shape of Things 2003
Jawbreaker 1999
Mannequin Two: On the Move 1991
Ένας νεαρός οικότροφος σε πολυκατάστημα ερωτεύεται μια κούκλα του καταστήματος που είναι στην πραγματικότητα μία κόρη αγροτών που έπεσε θύμα σε ένα μαγικό ξόρκι πριν χιλιάδες χρόνια. Η κούκλα ζωντανευέι κάθε φορά που αφαιρεί το καταραμένο περιδέραιο από αυτήν...
Θάνατος Στη Βενετία 1971
Ένας ηλικιωμένος συνθέτης σε δημιουργική κρίση αναζητά στη Βενετία χώρους έμπνευσης. Το πάθος του, ωστόσο, επικεντρώνεται στο πρόσωπο ενός εφήβου, που αποτελεί την ενσάρκωση του απόλυτου κάλλους.
Στον πλανήτη Γη τα κορίτσια είναι εύκολα 1988
Τρεις ατζαμήδες εξωγήινοι που ψάχνουν απεγνωσμένα να βρουν μια γήινη θηλυκή παρουσία, βρίσκουν καταφύγιο στην πισίνα μιας γήινης, της Βάλερι, που μόλις χώρισε με τον μέλλοντα σύζυγο της επειδή την απάτησε. Η Βάλερι γίνεται φίλη με τους εξωγήινους, αλλά τα ευτράπελα μόλις ξεκίνησαν.
Lady for a Day 1933
Eat, Play, Love 2017
Street of Crocodiles 1986
Fixing Pete 2012
女神降臨 After 2025
True Beauty 2020
Lim Ju-kyung is a high school student. Since she was little, she has had a complex about her appearance. To hide her bare face, Ju-kyung always wears make-up. Her excellent make-up skills make her pretty and she hides her bare face in front of others. She gets involved with 2 men; Lee Su-ho and Han Seo-jun.
She Was Pretty 2015
After a complete reversal of fortune and looks, childhood sweethearts reunite for the first time in 15 years as employees at a fashion magazine.
Queer Eye 2018
An all-new “Fab Five” advise men on fashion, grooming, food, culture and design in this modern reboot of the Emmy Award-winning reality series.
Record of Youth 2020
In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are determined to change that perception as they fight for their dreams.
Oh My Venus 2015
Dumped by her boyfriend of 15 years for gaining weight, a lawyer gets help from a hotshot personal trainer to get in shape and turn her life around.
Very Important People 2023
Comedians are given makeovers to be transformed into someone completely new, and then have a fully-improvised interview with host Vic Michaelis.
True Beauty 2024
Once bullied for her looks, Jugyeong transforms herself using the art of makeup. When she joins a new school with a True Beauty goddess competition, offering winners the chance of recruitment by entertainment agencies, she instantly becomes a top candidate! But her new identity is at stake when heartthrob Suho Lee accidentally sees her bare face. Will her elite status be short-lived?
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 2003
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is an American reality television series providing home improvements for less fortunate families and community schools. The show is hosted by former model, carpenter and veteran television personality Ty Pennington. Each episode features a family that has faced some sort of recent or ongoing hardship such as a natural disaster or a family member with a life-threatening illness, in need of new hope. The show's producers coordinate with a local construction contractor, which then coordinates with various companies in the building trades for a makeover of the family's home. This includes interior, exterior and landscaping, performed in seven days while the family is on vacation and documented in the episode. If the house is beyond repair, they replace it entirely. The show's producers and crew film set and perform the makeover but do not pay for it. The materials and labor are donated. Many skilled and unskilled volunteers assist in the rapid construction of the house. EM:HE is considered a spinoff of Extreme Makeover, an earlier series providing personal makeovers to selected individuals, which the Home Edition has now outlasted. This show displays extreme changes to help recreate someone's space. However, the format differs considerably; in the original Extreme Makeover, for instance, participants were not necessarily chosen based on any recent hardship, whereas the family's backstory is an important component of Home Edition. EM:HE also has similarities to other home renovation series such as Trading Spaces, on which Pennington was previously a key personality.
Secret Celebrity RuPaul's Drag Race 2020
Secret celebrities - from all walks of life - compete in full drag as they try to impress Emmy Award winning host, RuPaul. To save themselves from elimination, they have to lip sync for their lives. In the end, one celebrity will be crowned America's Next Celebrity Drag Superstar.
Get Organized with The Home Edit 2020
Expert home organizers Clea and Joanna help celebrities and everyday clients edit, categorize and contain their clutter to create stunning spaces.
Méchant changement 2005
A room makeover program for young people hosted by Stéphane Bellavance.
Fish Upon the Sky 2021
Pi has a crush on Mueang Nan, one of the hottest students in the Allied Health Sciences Department, but since he is not confident enough about his looks, he is helpless. That is, until Duen and his friends help him get a makeover to boost his confidence. When Pi finally has the guts to approach his crush, he meets his love rival, Mork. Pi has tried to surpass Mork in everything to get Nan's attention but he is not lucky enough to beat him. However, everything changes when Pi starts to feel a different set of feelings towards Mork, making things more complicated.
A Little Thing Called First Love 2019
The story of an ordinary girl who falls head over heels for the most popular guy in school.
Pretty Li Hui Zhen 2017
Li Huizhen used to be gorgeous, but years of declining family fortune added much pain to her life, and her looks slowly drifted away. Her friend Bai Haoyu, on the other hand, was once an ordinary looking guy and grew up to be suave, successful, and immensely likable. So when she comes across him years later and witnesses their reversal of fortune, Li Huizhen is too embarrassed to even meet him and instead asks her stylish friend and roommate Xia Qiao to assume her identity. But when Huizhen lands an internship at a company that she has been trying to break into, she is shocked to find out that Haoyu is her new boss.
Queer Eye: Brazil 2022
Brazil’s Fab Five use their knowledge of well-being, style, grooming, design and culture to transform everyday heroes’ lives in this uplifting series.
Airoldi pour une sortie 2007
Fashion designer Jean Airoldi helps couples rekindle the flame by discovering a new look that kicks the romance up a notch.
RuPaul's Drag U 2010
RuPaul and your favorite queens are back! The Dean of Drag has finally opened her "school for girls!" at RuPaul's Drag U, where biological women (the kind who don't have to tuck) undergo extreme transformations...drag queen style.
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy 2003
You never know what the Fab Five will do - or say - next as they travel across the US and deconstruct a straight guy's life, giving him a fabulous new wardrobe, personal grooming tips, a signature recipe or two, some good-looking furniture, personal relating skills and a brand-new attitude.
10 Years Younger 2004
This cruel-to-be-kind show gives participants the unflinching truth about the way they look – much older than their real age. A team of experts sets out to make them look and feel more youthful, with an action plan which could include anything from chemical peels and nose surgery, to new teeth, new clothes and new hair. Then it's back on to the street again, to find out if the tricks of the trade really can make them look 10 Years Younger.
How Do I Look? 2004
How Do I Look? is a makeover show airing on the Style Network. The show was originally hosted by English soap opera veteran Finola Hughes; the current season is hosted by celebrity stylist Jeannie Mai. The show features "fashion victims," purportedly turned in by their friends, coworkers, and family members. Although there are variations in each episode tailored to the individual contestant, every episode follows the same basic pattern.