Michael Talbott Freedom Ράμπο: Το Πρώτο Αίμα Little Vegas Κάρι, Εκρηξη Οργής A Death in Canaan The Initiation of Sarah Richie Brockelman: The Missing 24 Hours Out There Captain Nuke and the Bomber Boys Three Blind Mice Jack Reed: Death and Vengeance Blood Sport Jack Reed: Badge of Honor Jack Reed: A Search for Justice Jack Reed: One of Our Own This Is Kate Bennett... Going to the Chapel To Race the Wind Amber Waves Mommie Dearest Mr. Payback: An Interactive Movie Δύο Σκληρά Καρύδια Τα Σαραβαλάκια Το Τρελό Θηριοτροφείο Πάει Διακοπές Miami Vice: Brother's Keeper Ο Ανθρωποκυνηγός Runaway Father Sunset Heat The Seduction of Gina Guilty As Charged Racing with the Moon Dead of Night Big Bad Mama Ήρωας κατά λάθος Big Wednesday Acting on Impulse Unwed Father Miami Vice: Freefall M*A*S*H The Jeffersons The Streets of San Francisco Scarecrow and Mrs. King Μπούκερ Sugar and Spice Οι σκληροί του Μαϊάμι Out of the Blue