Desiree Goyette Garfield's Halloween Adventure Garfield: His 9 Lives Ο Γκάρφιλντ στον Παράδεισο Garfield's Babes and Bullets Garfield in the Rough Garfield on the Town No Man's Valley The Nuttiest Nutcracker The Romance of Betty Boop It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown Happy Birthday Garfield Cathy No Man's Valley You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown The Romance of Betty Boop It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown Χριστούγεννα με τον Γκάρφιλντ Here Comes Garfield Happy Birthday Garfield Garfield's Halloween Adventure Garfield on the Town It's an Adventure, Charlie Brown Garfield: His 9 Lives Wrinkles: In Need of Cuddles Happy New Year, Charlie Brown Garfield in the Rough Ο Γκάρφιλντ στον Παράδεισο You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown Snoopy: The Musical Garfield and Friends This Is America, Charlie Brown Tiny Toon Adventures Tiny Toon Adventures