John Henry Richardson Crime Scene The Legend of Jack and Diane Maximum Security Treasure Hunt Empire of the Dark Inner Sanctum The Bikini Escort Company Destination Vegas Chocolate Chip Cookies Thirteen Erotic Ghosts Tomb of the Werewolf The Wasp Woman Final Examination Bad Girls from Mars Σχιζοφρενείς Βιζιτούδες με Πριόνια The Curse of the Komodo Fugitive Rage The Witches of Breastwick Terror Night Thy Neighbor's Wife Mind, Body & Soul Vice Academy Part 2 Ο Τέλειος Στρατός Komodo vs. Cobra Sorceress II: The Temptress Wizards of the Demon Sword Sins of Desire Haunting Fear Teenage Exorcist Bikini Airways Witch Academy Ο Τρόμος της Ν. Υόρκης Bikini a Go Go Hard Bounty Lust Connection Witchcraft II: The Temptress Death Row Diner Tales from the Apocalypse Bikini Round-Up Teenage Cavegirl Screaming in High Heels: The Rise & Fall of the Scream Queen Era Street Soldiers Munchie AI-pocalypse Vice Academy 4 Vice Academy 5 Confessions of a Teenage Satanist The Birthmark Killer Original Intent Jail Breakers Gator King Vice Academy Part 3 Dennis & Henry's Post-Divorce Checklist Vice Academy Part 6 Time Burst: The Final Alliance Aisle Be Home for Christmas Do Not Watch The Second Coming of John Cooper Hidden Creek Sunland Heat The Alien Within Attack of the 60 Foot Centerfold Mega Scorpions Fatal Skies Haunting Desires Bikini Chain Gang Mob Boss Marked for Murder The Newlydeads Starstruck Beverly Hills Vamp Demolition High The Channeler Smooth Operator I Am Him Passion Crimes Slashdance Munchie Strikes Back Genie in a String Bikini Nessie & Me Divorce Law Out of Time Unwanted Guest L.A. Heat Killing for Love My Uncle the Alien Busty Cops 2 Summer Seductions Victim of Desire I'll Eat You Alive Σκοπευτής Ειδικών Δυνάμεων Brothers in Arms Blackmark You Snooze You Lose Frontera Naked Betrayal A Doggone Adventure The Shooters Alienator Renchik Evil Spawn Lost Treasure Irresistible Impulse Little Cobras: Operation Dalmatian Hell Hath No Fury Sundowning Castlevania: Hymn of Blood Teenage Exorcist Screaming Night Blackout Blackout Blackout We're Alive: Frontier Μαμά, Σοβαρά Τώρα; Check It Out! with Dr. Steve Brule