Shaw-Ming 2021
A group of young people during high school in Egypt, where electronic cheating appears largely on social networking sites , or what is known as (Shaw-Ming Cheating High School).
A group of young people during high school in Egypt, where electronic cheating appears largely on social networking sites , or what is known as (Shaw-Ming Cheating High School).
The film's events revolve around a group of people who find themselves passengers on a mysterious bus driven by Satan, and each of these characters represents one of the seven deadly sins, making the film a symbolic reflection of the internal conflicts that each of us experiences.
As Mansour and Harby meet in the same prison cell, unresolved conflicts gradually ensue between the two as each tries to stand his ground, quite literally.
Fares is a struggling gas station worker with a sports background, but circumstances force him to confront the brutality of businessman Rashid El Suwaifi.
A very unlucky guy, Bakry, ends up with an abandoned and cursed theater house, and he must find a way to elevate the curse, as it affects him every time he enters the theater.