Wiktor Zborowski With Fire and Sword The Deserters Deserter's Gold Polish Cuisine The End of the World, or Egg Nogg 4 The Secret of Marabou's Code Dzień Wisły Topsy Turvy, or Egg Nogg 2 The Contract Lesser Evil Special Mission Father, Son & Holy Cow Woman in a Hat Art of Loving Capital, or How to Make Money in Poland A Bachelor's Life Abroad Baby Boom, or Egg Nogg 5 Goodbye Rockefeller Miłość z listy przebojów And the Violins Stopped Playing Jam Session Esterhazy O dwóch takich, co nic nie ukradli Eccentrics, the Sunny Side of the Street The Rite of Passage Dziadku, wiejemy! Dawn Dalej jazda! Bird Talk The Silent Touch Spoor Saved by a Miracle Mishmash, or Egg Nogg 3 The Old Fairy Tale: When the Sun Was God Teddy Bear Richie Axiliad War of Love Egg Nogg Och, Karol 2 Koniec świata u Nowaków Lawyer Porada Alternatywy 4 1983 Kryminalni Kuchnia polska Jan Serce The Chairman's Ear Daleko od noszy With Fire and Sword Anioł Stróż Żubr Pompik The In-laws Servant of the People Agentki