Luis Ospina Bloody Flesh The Stillness Syndrome The Manor of Araucaima Our Film Ospina Cali Colombia In Search of Maria Self-Portrait (Asleep) It All Started at the End Holy Beasts Jairo’s Revenge Video (B)art(h)es A Ballad for Dead Children Cines de Barriada At Your Head At Your Feet De la ilusión al desconcierto: Cine colombiano 1970-1995 The Manor of Araucaima Breath of Life The Vampires of Poverty The Vampires of Poverty Pure Blood A Paper Tiger The Vampires of Poverty The Eye of the Tourist: XIII Easy Pieces Our Film Our Film In Search of Maria It All Started at the End Chapter 66 Silent Witnesses Cali: de Película The Supreme Uneasiness: Incessant Portrait of Fernando Vallejo Hay Que Ser Paciente Hay Que Ser Paciente Andrés Caicedo: A Few Good Friends Andrés Caicedo: A Few Good Friends Act of Faith Self-Portrait (Asleep) The Bombing of Washington Eye and Sight: Artist's Life in Danger At Your Service At Your Service Cámara Ardiente Cámara Ardiente Cámara Ardiente Cámara Ardiente Cámara Ardiente Silent Witnesses It All Started at the End Antonio María Valencia: Music on Camera Asunción Asunción Asunción Self-Portrait (Asleep) Listen, look! Listen, look! Act of Faith Cali: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Video (B)art(h)es The Vampires of Poverty The Vampires of Poverty A Paper Tiger A Paper Tiger A Paper Tiger It All Started at the End Bloody Flesh It All Started at the End Pure Blood Pure Blood Pure Blood Breath of Life Breath of Life Caminar es bueno para la Salud Goodbye to Cali Goodbye to Cali La Hamaca La Hamaca No curtains Slapstick: La Comedia Muda Norteamericana