Ernst Gaman A gift for the Elephant Dissonance Flower Music Captain Pronin 4: at the Opera Captain Pronin 2: In America Captain Pronin - Major Pronin's Grandson It Can't Be The Scarecrow A Plasticine Crow Shout Amba - Second Movie Pipa the Frog Blue Ball Spruce Apple The Sisters Habits Венера Big Ear Space Visitors Here There Be Tygers December 32 The Great Sky Lyamzi-Tyri-Bondi the Evil Wizard Captain Pronin 3: in Space Заколдованное слово Wolf and the Seven Goats in a New Way Dima Hits the Road Little Straw Bull Spruce Living Water Landscape The Door in the Wall Motive Felt Boot Contours Mood Focus The Sun Restoration Contrasts Still Life Snail Invention