Abbas Fares Khalid ibn el Walid Who's Done it ? I Am Justice Bent El-Badeya Baladay wakhifa Rabiha Casino el latafa Hassan wa Morcos wa Cohen Farewell My Love Layla the Desert Girl السماء لا تنام The Fifth Groom Rebellious girl Under the gun Forever Dangerous woman Finally I got married Children of the poor Women are in danger Bent Zawat Rabab Bint Al-Sheikh Issue of the day Majda Al-Sharaff Ghali Land of Heroes Qayes Wi Laila The lover The Beast The Public Prosecutor Les Miserables Agaza Fi Gohanam The Dawn of Islam Daughter of the Nile The Victory of Islam Dananeir Eayida Mosmar Juha Dreams of the Youth Watch Out for Zuzu هاربات من الحب Lasna Mala'ekah Marriage on the Modern Way Bread and salt The Bedouin Layla Al-Sayyid Al-Badawi Dawn Zalamoni El Nas ماليش حد Society's Enemy El Qersh El Abyad End of the Road Al-Sarab Music, Espionage, and Love The Fake Millionaire Abu halmos Kefaya ya Ein Wa Islamah The Will 30 Days in Prison Mawa'ed Ma' Almady كان غيرك اشطر Adam and Women Al-Aneed Afrah Look for the Woman I won't come back Poor Millionaire Happy Day Love never dies Beauty and charm شجرة العائلة Hokm Elqawi Qais and Laila Hymn of Hope العتبة جزاز